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1.04 Will be sweet...

Nill the Mean

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I'm positive on ths one.

When 1.04 comes along, I'm sure everyone will be happy again.

If we continue to give reasonable advice and suggestions for what needs to be done, I'm sure we'll end up with a great game when 1.04 comes out. It'll still take a while, but it'll be worth the wait. Now that Raven did the overhaul on the combat system it is simply a matter of tweaking it again to make it kick ass. Not that it isn't very cool already, but it still has more potential.

Until then, let us do our best to provide intelligent and resourcefull feedback in order to support this great game!

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In real life there is no sword style that is unblockable - and in fact it is the heaviest swing that is sometimes the easiest to block, or at least to deflect/parry - leaving the attacker wide open for a riposte.


You may say that real-life doesn't count here (which is partly true) and you ignore it in favour of whatever helps gameplay (which is also partly true), but all that making heavy unblockable would do is prompt people to use heavy and nothing else. It would completely unbalance sabre combat.

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I must be missing out on this fantastic new blocking system that has everyone stumped, because a good 60-70% of my attacks connect, and I hear either a shield hit or a groan from my opponent as my saber cuts into them.


Then again, maybe it's because I try to get my timing right instead of just slashing when someone's in range.

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Originally posted by Mr Tim

I wish this were true, but following the maxim that you can't please everyone, I suspect that there will always be a number of people who aren't happy with whatever comes out.


sad but true, you will NEVER satisfy everyone, so you have to ignore some of the more pointless posts and do what you think acctually needs work, but thats ravens decision, not mine

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Originally posted by Aiee

I must be missing out on this fantastic new blocking system that has everyone stumped, because a good 60-70% of my attacks connect, and I hear either a shield hit or a groan from my opponent as my saber cuts into them.


Then again, maybe it's because I try to get my timing right instead of just slashing when someone's in range.


Same here.


But despite that fact, I still think it could be more refined. It could be tweaked to make it just as detailed, but more fun. Right now it is very cool but some things just aren't 100% yet. That's why I can't wait for 1.04, they'll probably fix some of the "biggest issues" again and then it'll be minor tweaks from then on. Sure, there will still be people that don't like it... but with enough time maybe they'll learn to appreciate it.

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