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My observations of 1.03


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There is some seriously messed up stuff..


First off.. I have destroyed 2 sabre's while doing a stong stance backtab while opponent is doing a sabre throw at me.. *poof* They just stand there with their arms extended.. Dunno if this is a bug or a feature.. Maybe someone can enlighten me..


Secondly, I _thought_ you couldnt get knocked to the ground if you werent moving.. This simply isnt true and there is a workaround/exploit to it... All one need do is roll toward their opponent and pull as soon as they are getting up.. It will knock any stationary target to its rear more than 50% of the time.. Tell me if I am full of it or just dunno wtf I am talking about..


Lastly, I've read leelink's counter to the pull to ground and backstab - the backward kick.. Ive yet to make this tactic work -- probably primarily because of my ping??? I dont mind mixing things up a bit, but this seems to be the end all be all tactic to the game -- NOONE would dare a$$fight in a duel! Frankly, I like DFA alot more simply because it was so easy to get away from. The only time that move was ever any good was for targets that werent aware of your presence.. The backstab is a SURE thing for most targets save those with a ping good enough to use the supposed counter.. (which I've yet to see in action)


I dunno.. Mayhap next patch will turn things around.. I feel the game needs a few more moves in each category of sabre strength to make things more variable..

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