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I am mad about this game

Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

It lookes very interesting, but it is not comeing out for dreamcast!! the graphics are beutiful, but it is only comeing out for computer, now I have a computer(oviousley), but I dont have a controller for it, or a 3d accelorator(I have played game demos before, and they get really choppy when explosions occur), anyway, any reason why it is not comeing out for the dreamcast??




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Guest Orbvs_Terrarvm

Do you go by the name of "beserkerwolverine" at other message boards?

Just wondering....


Anyway, I don't know if the game will be released on a console platform but you may want to consider getting a 3d graphics card. The best bang for your buck would be something along the lines of the Voodoo 3 series. There are $30 rebates for those cards out right now meaning you can get one for well under $100. After that you can save $$$ to buy a better graphics cards (nv20, Rampage) next year.


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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

No I dont go bye that name on any other message board, but I have two names on this one, Qui-gon John, and This one. I guess I will just get a 3D card, I have no dought that computer gameing wont be fun, It is just that I like consoles alot better, and I usually stick to them , but oh well.




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Guest Only One Canoli

I would definitely suggest buying a new video card. They are great investments and do wonders for the games. Plus, I would think that 80% of the games coming out require one (I'm just taking a wild guess here) and all of them support 3D accelerator. And you don't have to go out and spend $500 on a Geforece 2 Ultra. Just buy a Voodoo 2 (or two of them!) or a Voodoo3, if you're looking for performance that won't destroy your bank account.

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Guest Alloran Centauri

LOL...yes...I was gonna say, how intricate Game Controllers do you need? I should say a mouse will suffice.



Alloran Centauri


~It is not age but ability that marks a turning point.~

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Guest Obi-Juan Kenobi

actually it is very hard to operate a game wiht a mouse and a keyboard, unless you practice...alot. I am getting a controller and I guess a vodoo3 or whatever it is called, that seams to be the 3D card everyone is telling me to get, so it must be good. Well, thanks




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