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How do you get water sound gone? How do you make screaming fall-death?


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How do u make that damn water sound to disappear? its annoying as hell on platforms, and my platforms dont go back down. =( this is annoying. And how do u get that nice death animation? all my guy does is fall on his feet than scream , and dies as if he gets shot! Plz help me! thank you all!

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To make the fall death animation do this:


1. Make a trigger_hurt entity were the person would fall

2. In the entity Dialog:

- Type 'dmg' in the 'Key' editbox

- Type '-1' in the 'Value' editbox

- Hit the 'Enter' key


That's all there is to it. :D

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That doesn't give them the falling animation though :) The one seen in ns_streets I think they are referring too.


I'd like to know how to get rid of the water sound as well, it seems to be everywhere on my map - specifically when using the new5 texture under the imp_garrison texture set I think.

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I don't know about ns_streets, I only know about ctf_bespin. You know, when you fall in that pit, sort of speak. You get this falling death animation. Just look at ctf_bespin.map in JKRadiant. There there is a huge trigger_hurt entity inside the pit. And when you look at it's property's, you'll see the same as what I said.

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I just wanted to add that dmg -1 doesn't work - at least not for single player: It does increase your health! (you could probably use it to make a regeneration well like in Half Life). In SP you have to define a very high value like 10000 - even Raven does so in their kejim_post map. NO_PROTECTION is a must if even shields should be no help; try to experiment with LOCKCAM and FALLING regarding the death animation.


Regarding platforms I can't help you, sorry. I haven't gone this far yet.


Best regards

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I placed a big trigger_hurt in the center of my pit in my MP level. And set 'dmg' to -1. Nothing else. Maybe this only works with MP, I haven't made a SP level yet. Just look at the ctf_bespin.map, you'll see a big trigger hurt with 'dmg' set to -1, Nothing else.

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Oops, seems I made a mistake. This is what trigger_hurt in MP_entities.def says:

If dmg is set to -1 this brush will use the FADE-KILL method


And this is what it says SP_entities.def:

FALLING Forces a falling scream and anim


Seems I was wrong and you all were right :rolleyes: . I just thought that this FADE-KILL was the falling death anim.

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Thanx for all your replies, i was having this same problem with the falling death scream. I'm making a map thats gonna be a team FFA / CTF map and so far the trigger works perfect with that dmg -1 ... except for the locked cam...but thats ok. question: Why do they call it Team FFA? FFA is all by itself... it should just be TEAM ... anyways the problem i need help with is how do you put in separate teams? like red side and blue side so they spawn in their own corners? and how do you tell it that this particular game is gonna be Teams or CTF? is it just by adding the flags the game knows?



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Originally posted by Darchon

I placed a big trigger_hurt in the center of my pit in my MP level. And set 'dmg' to -1. Nothing else. Maybe this only works with MP, I haven't made a SP level yet. Just look at the ctf_bespin.map, you'll see a big trigger hurt with 'dmg' set to -1, Nothing else.


Would this me something we can change. Or maybe add a new entity?

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And what about the water sound?

I also have such a problem...



I have some water on the bottom of my map, and any metallic platform placed above the water (without touching it) makes the water sound!!

I can't figure any way to change this...

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Regarding the 'water' sounds, I've had the same problems, it turns out that some of my floors were created using shaders and this was causing the problem. Removed the floor shaders and hey preso no water sounds!!


It appears that it's only some of the shaders to experimentation is the name of the game to get the right ones.


Hope this helps


Llawnroc :cool:

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Originally posted by DarthCobra


Would this me something we can change. Or maybe add a new entity?


Just make a big brush, right-click on it, and select trigger_hurt. And then follow my instructions I posted earlier in this tread. but remember, those instructrions only count for an MP level.

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