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Important! How to beat ANY Spammer


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SPAMMER - Any player who uses the same move over and over again for the sole purpose of racking up kills.




1. Kick em: this has to be done as soon as the map starts, you cant kick the leader.


2. Ignore em : if some spammer dude is racking up 25 kills and everyone else is between say 20-10 then 2nd place is the winner!


3. Boycott em: when they talk/taunt you dont respond, if they try to duel you, leave.


4. Mass Suicide: if some dude is coming at you trying to get his spam on , run to the nearest ledge and jump, or better yet bind a key to "kill" and just kill yourself he wont get any kills and the person with the lowest score is the winner!


Eventually the spammer will get bored and leave the server and then you can resume normal play.


The spammer gets his/her jollies by frustrating other players and spoiling the game for eveyone else, don't give em the satisfaction.


And if all else fails.... "Don't give in to hate, that leads to the dark side."




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You forgot one other method:


The Gang Bang: Talk to other players about the spammer inside the game...get everyone you can to pile on the spammer. Eventually, this will piss the spammer off and they will leave on their own, OR, you get to play a fun game of "Kick the Spam"


All on one can be a lot of fun...

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"No, there is another."


The other method, is to imagine that the spammer is the individual who germinated the idea to mar the fine retail version of JK2 with a 'patch' that reduces gameplay to 'Barney and Friends.'


I find that before I know it, the spammer is lying at my feet in a bloody heap, while I laugh maniacally, singing, 'I love you, you love me ...'


Just use the new 1.03 tools at your disposal:


5. Pull/backstab


4. the backward 'chase' method


3. the 'bottoms up' method


2. the 'hold attack' and wander aimlessly while eating a cheese sandwich method


and the number one method to defeat a spammer?


1. Spam him back

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Originally posted by fitzwilliamd

"No, there is another."


The other method, is to imagine that the spammer is the individual who germinated the idea to mar the fine retail version of JK2 with a 'patch' that reduces gameplay to 'Barney and Friends.'...


Invites Fitz in, asks him if he'd like to lay down on the nice comfy couch. Puts on his glasses and consults his notes...


Now, Mister Fitz.


Being a vorld renowned pzychologist, I vould like to take zis opportunity to examine this pathological fear you haf ov ze Jedi Knight Two patch.


You know, az vell as I, that eventually everyone vill be using ze patch, as it is an offical releaze from the makers of ze game. Vhile many of your pointz are salient and well-thought-out, many others just appear to be an effort NOT to deal with ze changes in gameplay, and seem to me nostalgic wishfull thinking for the return to pre-patch days. ZIS VILL NOT HAPPEN!


To use a modern idiom, Mr. Fitz.....ZUCK IT UP! Are you zeriouzly trying to tell me that a zkilled player, who has practiced, knows ze combos, ze special moves, and haz ze eye for combat, vill not vin more often than not? Bah!


New skillz vill be learned. New moves perfected, ze balance of combat vill change, but skill, Mr. Fitz, skill vill ALVAYS triumph!


Now, ve still have two hours.


Tell me about your mother...

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Oh my my god. He correctly used salient in a sentence.


Listen up tempest, 'round here it's nothing but l33t-speak, mispellings and childish insults, got it? I suggest you take your educated witicisms elsewhere, somewhere where the people can read, write and speak in complete, grammatically correct sentences.



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I've been playing online since the advent of quakeworld. Spamming is part of the game. Are you going to some how lower yourself if you win? I thought that was the object...too be quick to get frags any way possible as quick as possible. I'm sorry if you suck. Theres always a handfull of people whom constantly bash snipers, cluster grenades, machine guns, heavy weapons, lightning, your all wasting your time and honestly I think its just an excuse to say why you always lose or you think your better for not spamming. Im not going to play by your rules, no one is going to conform around your rules. The particular thing you complain about is in the game period. Get over it. Kicking a guy whos killing everyone just shows how much you suck... I've been ganged up on before and just means more kills for me. Hell it's nice when 5 players put themselves in harmsway for me. Less time wasted chasing them down. I can't think of a game where there isn't someone beating down a particular item...in this case lightning. Why not stay away from it use push or drain or hell...why not just use lightning yourself? Something wrong with that if you win all the time. Also, the maps are geared on for certain powers. Small cramped areas and you want me to use what ? push? On ramp maps maybe I should use lightning? Only one thing matters in a game... number one.

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Hehehe bravo Zafo!


Fitzwillfag or what ever yer name is.... Stop whining about the patch.. i think i alredy stressed this in your thread so you lamely attack me and insult me.. just shows your maturity i guess.. deal with the patch its not going away :D

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I love this game so much that getting my ass handed to me by a person that is really on top of his game just makes me want to get better myself. I really get pissed when I'm running down a ramp and I get pushed off, falling to my death. However, the very next thing I try is to push someone to their death. I dont usually play 1st person shooters like quake or unreal. But this is Star Wars man!!! You gotta love it!!! And this whole patch thing doesnt bother me a bit. Im oblivious to the changes. Just try to have fun and play the game. If you are like me and do not have massive skill, just enjoy what you have and the skill will come with time. Jesus man this is Star Wars. It just dont get any better than this.

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Originally posted by ShogunBlade

Fitzwillfag or what ever yer name is

Fitzwilliam is the name, and I am heterosexual; however, you sound really cute and I could make an exception in your case.


Call me! *kiss, kiss*

Originally posted by Jafo

I thought that was the object...too be quick to get frags


Yes, it is; but truly, if I am fighting some really good players and some punk runs behind us in the heat of the battle and backsweep spams us 10 times, it takes me away from some quality competition--as it is my duty to go tear the guy a new … ummm … asteroid.


I do not begrudge his right to spam backsweep unless he is infringing on my right as a player to practice varied techniques with a skilled player.

Originally posted by ShogunBlade

Only one thing matters in a game... number one.


Then why does your post make us think of number two?

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