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WHY raven WHY !! 1.03 is HORRIBLE


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ok children time to quiet down, now i dont know how many posts have been devoted to people bitching at the changes made in 1.03 or people bitching about those people.

The fact is the patch did not consider all the factors in this game,the SP style sabering was a mistake the high block % and lowered saber damage can make battles long and drawn out barring the use of backstab. CTF is now totaly unplayable with both area of effect guns having such large ammo consumptions and chasing a flag carrier around with a saber or trying to shot them with a blaster type weapon is not an option,also drain and heal are worthless now when they used to be overpowered some middle ground should be found here.

Changes need to be made for a better balance between both patches such as.

-lower blocking %

-saber damage being returned to prepatch.

-backstab damage being made = to a hvy stance slash might be effective.

-ammo cost needs to be lowered on both the golan and the repeater's 2nd fire.

-heal/drain need to be balanced better so they have some actual use.


I am sure there is something else that is slipping my mind at this time but in a nut shell these changes will make a majority of the people playing this game happy.

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

Thank you for putting that image in my head...too much testostorone in this thread right now...


Sorry about that, I lost my sense of civilized behavior due to the thought of brown poopy fingers and the effects it would have on his equipment and gameplay but I'll tell you it must slow his gameplay down being that his keys are bit muddy.......:D

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