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Fix The Sucky Fights


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First let me point out this post is for the pre-patch Heavy users, DFA spammers not included.


For those of us Heavy users who can actually use it with a little skill, I've found a way to solve our problem of almost being forced to use blue/yellow.


When starting a duel (or a 1 on 1 of any kind) check your opponent's stance. If it's blue or yellow, use red stance. If he's using red stance, consider yourself lucky and use blue or yellow (yellow recommended).



Simple. Just wait for them to charge in swinging like crazy people (who doesn't on 1.03?), then strafe off to the side and swing in. You will run right past your opponent and your swing will most likely hit him. Pretty easy...



Same strategy. Wait for them to run in and swing, strafe of to the side and you can get a good amount of whacks in there.


Keep in mind your opponent will probably (75% chance) switch to a new stance because he's getting his ass kicked. So if he switches from Red to Blue, you switch from Blue/Yellow to red.


Get the idea?


Good Luck..

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i have to say your right on about all that jedighost, i've been playing like that for about a week and it shot up my wins. i fine that if you just don't run in swinging like a fool you'll be better off. cause if you think about it there are only about 3 ways you get hurt in this game, 1 when your swinging, 2 when your in air, and 3 when someones to the side or in back of you.

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Oh no! Now you have to use more than one stance strategically? You know, I've only had the game for about a week now. I was a deadly newb pre-patch using various styles, but find the patch such an improvement. Without DFA spammage, this game rocks. Sure, it takes more hits to kill someone, and yes, you have to time a very skilled hit to really hurt someone, but that's great. It balances the game when you have to use different stances. Otherwise, the only way to beat red is to use red, get my drift? It shouldn't be that way. I find the saber duels are a lot more exciting now. (I win a LOT more now too.) It's great to see the game requires various skills and timing, rather than the mastery of ONE stance and ONE move such as the pre-patch DFA "exploit".

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rock on neokast, i love the new patch, and i think it's much better, the sabers are weeker and it take more hits and more skill to kill someone. for the most part though i only use yellow stance, but i don't use the same moves over and over and over again, and i well chang to th blue stance when i think the person i'm fighting is really hurt. i really don't understand why people are fighting over this and saying the new patch killed the game.



"i don't know half of you half as well as i should like; and i like less than half of you half as well as you deserve" Bilbo

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NeoKast, I wasn't complaining about "Oh no! No more 1 hit kills!"


Well I would say that 1 slow, strong, swing is better for those of us who can aim. Those of us who cannot used the blue stance.


But, those of us who used the Red stance and began DFAing, turned it into a newbie stance.


If you ask me, red requires much more skill (and still does) than the blue stance.


Personally, I like landing 3 very precise hits and getting a kill than landing 20 lucky swings and getting an unworthy kill.


And "Oh No! No More 1 hit Kills!" Obviously I, and several others, have adjusted haven't we? So that should be a dead giveaway that most of the red users know what we're doing.


Don't call the old red users Newbies, call them Jedis with good aim.

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