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Editing/Mod Creating for Obi Wan

Guest WD_DarkSide

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Guest WD_DarkSide

I think that Editing in any way shape of form should be disallowed for Obi Wan... or at least make it to where you cant edit somthing then go play and other people cant play... I don't know if any of you play Jedi Knight on the zone or not but I do and "Hacking" (Editing the cog files) is a serious problem over there if LEC or LA would have made one damn update for the game then it could have been stoped and it pisses me off that they didn't. I can understand how Mod making could effect the fun/playabilty of a game but if they make Obi Wan too easy to edit and make it easy enough to "Hack" then I won't even buy it...

www.wdonline.com <--- This is my clan Web site for Jedi Knight we are a Non-Hacking clan and I'm sure that if any of you asked about what people think about hacking you will get a immediate responce.

www.hyaonline.com <---- A "Hacking" Jedi Knight Clan. Ask them the same question and I bet they will just tell you its the funnest thing to do in the world..




The object of war is not to die for your country but try to make the other bastard die for his!

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Guest Darth Kurgan

HYA is such a lame group. Did you know that hypermart (their hosted site) considers them a "business" (only "businesses" can have websites on hypermart)? What a joke.


Yeah, the way to solve the "hacking" (cheating) problem is to do one of two things.


1) Have a more powerful checker, that scans files to be sure they match when a person joins a game (this doesn't prevent the host from cheating). Trouble with this is it makes connect time longer, and it makes it tougher to use mods. A solution would be to have a checkbox for the host server to allow "mods" or not. If mods were allowed, the scanning process would be much more lenient, but if it was checked, you'd have full protection.


2) Client-Server network code. This way, the only way you can have cheating is if the host is cheating. Others can't join and override the host as easily as they can in Peer-to-Peer games. Of course this means the host has to have a decent connection (in Peer to Peer you rely on yourself for speed rather than the host server).


Features like "kick by number" (or a menu to boot players instantly) and "banning" of certain players, and password features, these go without saying.



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Guest Heidi Clogs

Hacking was a problem must most people didn't seem to hack. Alot of the time people blamed lag troubleon hackers or just called people a hacker if they lost. And anyway we had jk kicker helper to help deal with those who did really hack.



Now you will feel the power of my clogs!

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