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Join us!! IRON Jedi's are looking for more players!


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We are looking for skilled warriors


IRON Jedi's are currently competing on the TWL JK2 ladders! Join now to be a part of the fight! We need people who are serious about winning and want to be on the winning team!


Picking a team (I really don't like the term clan) is not something to take lightly. I searchced for a group that has rules but not ones that would stifle your online gaming experience but yet apply some moral and ethical standards to the online gaming experience. Because we are such a large organization we can game with eachother on any given night for hours on end and get abolutely fantastic gameplay and learn something new almost every time! The good thing is that we scarcely ever have to put up with those "types" that take joy from disrupting games and generally wreaking havoc. One of our primary beliefs is "Life first, gaming second". If something "comes up" and you can't make a practice...we understand. Our clan may not be for everyone but if you want a higher quality gaming experience and would like to become a member of this close nit family of gamers...I suggest that you follow this link and find out more. I'm recruiting for our JK2 division but we also have divisions for "Ghost Recon, Mech Warrior, Tribes2, etc. Come check us out. We are looking for individuals with all skill sets.....from Saber, Force, Saber+Force, Guns+Force, etc. We will be competing in ladders and tournaments of all types. Rest assured that YOU do have a place among our ranks!




Sith Incarnite IRON



JK2 Division - Recruiting Officer


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