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All Seeing Eye filter for JK2 mp game version


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This filter will find linux and win v1.03


1 if version ~== "JK2MP: v1.03 win-x86 Apr 30 2002" goto 4

2 if version ~== "JK2MP: v1.03 linux-i386 Apr 30 2002" goto 4

3 remove


of course you can use this setup to find older versions if that is your taste, just get the value for the version you like.


To use that in conjuction with your gametype preferences do something like this


1 if game ~== "basejk" goto 3

2 remove

3 if g_gametype ~== "0" goto 5

4 remove

5 if g_weaponDisable ~== "0" goto 7

6 remove

7 if version ~== "JK2MP: v1.03 win-x86 Apr 30 2002" goto 10

8 if version ~== "JK2MP: v1.03 linux-i386 Apr 30 2002" goto 10

9 remove

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Here are a few I wrote for Qtracker if you like:



;This one displays servers having Jedi Master force rank only: save it as jm.qtf and double click to install



description Force Rank Jedi Master

game jediknight2

active 1

filename JM.qtf

if rule("g_maxForceRank") equals "7"



;This one filters password required servers: save as password.qtf and double click to install


description No Password

game jediknight2

active 1

filename password.qtf

homepage http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/html/

if rule("g_needpass") doesnotequal "1"



;This one ensures that displayed servers have force powers enabled: save as fp.qtf


description Force Power Enabled

game jediknight2

active 1

filename fp.qtf

homepage http://www.lucasarts.com/products/outcast/html/

if rule("g_forcepowerdisable") equals "0"


You get the idea. Now go write your own!

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