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One Fix For all


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To keep in Tradition of Star Wars. Only a Jedi can use Force powers. It apears that everyone wants the best of both worlds. too bad :mad: George made the rules. Play by the rules or go to another sandbox. RAVEN has been nice enough to give everyone force powers. If you live by the gun then be prepared to die by the gun. RAVEN should change it so that only jedis can use force powers then the gunners would have to use skill and teamwork to defeat them.

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It doesn t matter to me .....what i can t understand is why force absorb is so uber by preventing pull ( aka telekinesis ) to work on OBJECTS ( here guns )

If raven intents is to have us using saber with their tweaks ....then believe me they are mistaken, Force gunner as it is now will allways win ( like in JK 1 )

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I don't think they intended to force gunners to switch. I was just making abn observation that would create "classes" (allbeit only two) that was true to the SW world. We have to except that both sides have weaknesses and strengths then use that knowledge.

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