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How could they not see it coming ??


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Well considering the new patch i think overall it got good ideas but they did not tweak some elements wich were necessarry for those ideas to be successfull


Makin SP saber Live in MP is maybe a good idea


The problem is that now pull/push are even more all powerful since u can t be hit so much doing it....throw Backstab in it and u can see they really ruined totally the saber fights by letting a so abusive combo go live


My suggestion here is that pull/push are able to knock down someone using a lightsaber, after all Raven forbid Kick to knock down someone using a lightsaber with Strong Stance ....so why allow easiest ways to do it ??


Of course if someone having saber drawn use a force power he would be vulnerable to push/pull


Also i would like to discuss the issue of Absorb and force gunners


Now that Pull/Push totally ruin the gameplay raven tried to set, absorb is the uber power in the game

That it counters damaging powers is ok for me, push/pull i discussed it above ( every saber user should be immune to it like SP jedi opponents )....but letting the same old stupid JK 1 things happen is maybe too much : Absorb Gunners


They already lessened the range where Pull can steal guns, now Absorb effect is invisible, absorb will block pull/push whatever weapon u use ( that is if Saber user unknockable idea is used ) ........ so why let Absorb prevent someone from Using telekinesis on a OBJECT ??? It don t deals damage after all to steal a gun

Sure Push is still there but it s a losing battle against force gunner


So i hope raven to deal with those 2 abuses : Pull/push + backstab combo and force gunner ( this last one i can live with it .....but not agree with it )


That s all

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