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Thx to the idiots behind this patch!


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There was absolute nothing wrong with the game. It was really great but now it become terrible in multiplayer. People were crying cuz the Dark forces to strong! Ok i though all is good but what the **** did they now! IDIOTS.

Now they made them really unbetable. Ligh versus Dark. Dark will win.


I also dont know what was wrong with the kick jump that it had to go and i also dont understand why they weaked the light powers like heal. You absolute cant win now with Ligh forces versus a Dark ligtnigh and drain spamer. I killed everyone who wasnt spaming with dark forces or who used ligh but then dran ligtning drain lignting and there was no way to survive. Thangs good that they made now even the strong attacks worthless. Now you cant even hope for a one sly kill with red style when someone spams you so.

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I think hes got a right to bitch. They promised a wonderous patch that would fix everything. Granted, I did enjoy some aspects but when they mess with the sabers on a game that is mosltly people who dream of using sabers and then get to do it in this game, well this patch really cripples them:atat:

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Originally posted by Hux

I also dont know what was wrong with the kick jump that it had to go .



I you had read the readme file of the patch you would see that the kick jump is still there you just have to press jump twice to do it. :tsk:


As for the other issues I was happy to see some new maps for dueling and saber play seems to be a bit better now so overall I am happy with the patch. :lightning

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  • 2 weeks later...
The magority of the players like the patch, so they must be doing something right.


The majority do NOT like the patch.


The majority bear with it because it is an excelent game and they hop it will be fixed.


The people who highlighted the 'problems' in the game (read: "waaah, i dont like heal, waaaah") were a MINORITY who did not like that game, so attempted and achieved a total hange in it.


heres another quote...


It is a better thing to be thought an idiot and be quiet than to open you're mouth and prove it beyond all disbelief


In this case you can substitute mouth for keyboard.


Think before speaking is my advice to you.

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Originally posted by muffo





In this case you can substitute mouth for keyboard.


Think before speaking is my advice to you.


Muffo..... This is an open forum where people are allowed to express their opinions. It is not your job to moderate what people have to say. Besides you only sound like your 10 :ewok:

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muffo, I'd like to know where you get your evidence for "the majority DON'T like this patch"?


Please don't say it comes from the forums, becasuse 90% of the people on the forums who ARE complaining are doing so because it's the only place they can vent their spleen. I might also add that a large proportion of those are of the "1.03 suxxors! BS is BS! Raven suck my c***!" variety. That doesn't consitute disliking the patch, just stringing random syllables together and hoping they come out as comprehensible. Heaven knows it was listening to people like that that caused this mess in the first place.


There ARE problems with the patch, I won't deny it. The points have been made however, time and AGAIN. we do not need to hear what we already know. I do NOT "bear with it and hop it will be fixed", I play the game and enjoy it as it is. Under 1.02 I also played the game and enjoyed it as it was. It was fun and IS fun. Maybe the two versions are different, but I adapted to the changes. Is that so hard?

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  • 5 weeks later...

You are all such babies you should consider it as a challange and perfect your skills if you can defeat them with ease you can defeat anybody its all down to tactics use absorb and sniper people with the disruptor and be as sneaky as possible once you dissable their force powers its easy a few chops with trusty old lightsaber and there gone:fett:

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