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"given limitations of technology"???

Guest lucasartssucks

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Guest lucasartssucks

"given limitations of technology"???

thats a load of crap and nothing but an excuse. You achieve what u can

with the most current technologies available and in doing so come up with

some creative ways to produce what u envision in a game given the

limitations. u think the current limitations of computer hardware stops

John Carmack from making the next Quake or Doom? this is PR BS. LucasArts

continues to lose its best talents and as a result we get crap console

games like Jedi Power Battles (if it didnt have the SW theme do u really

think anyone would have bought it?)

this is unfortunate. being a big fan of the original Jedi Knight because

of its great single player story and incredibly fun multiplayer, i was

really looking forward to Obi-Wan.

next gen console version? with console controls? oooh... thats a great way

to overcome "gameplay and control technology"! u know those gamepads are

such an advancement over the good ole mouse and keyboard. thatll really

improve gameplay. YEAH RIGHT! when i was playing jedi knight do u know how

many hot keys i used for all the force powers in multiplayer? MORE THAN

ANY OTHER FPS/ACTION GAME I CAN TELL YA! it was Jedi Knight that made me

go out and buy a 3 button mouse (had to have force grip as a mouse button

smile.gif ).

oh well. with the exception of 'Escape From Monkey Island' lucasarts has

been churning out nothing but crap as of recent. why is that? cuz all

their greatest creative and innovative minds have left. (man think of good

ole X-Wing).

if theyre gonna explain why they cancelled Obi-Wan they might as well

explain the real reason why. "Limitations in technology"? BS. more like

lack of faith by the marketing division and the continue loss of their

best programmers and designers.

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