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I quit


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Originally posted by Lord Sokar




I want to see him invest alot of time into his next game, learn all the tricks, learn all the counters, become the best he can, and then have it all thrown out the window with the first post-relase patch. I hope that will make you happy.



The game was only out for a month before the patch came out, unless you have no life and spent all your time playing JKII it shouldn't be that hard to play again. It's not like you wasted a lifetime of effort and then had to relearn everything. :rolleyes:



Get up from your desk and go to the window, look outside... That is life. Look back at your desk.. That is a machine.

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Its sad ppl gotta say they are quitting to get attention (AWW LOOK THE LIL TROLL CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE THE TEXT IS GONNA KILL HIM IF HE READS ANYMORE, POOR BABY!) ya whatever that stupid "i quit" crap doesnt work anymore so go away quit u troll, we dont need u!

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Originally posted by Madcow

....too much CS in here


And you just made it a little more like cs.net by posting an "I quit" thread.


Anyway, never say never and all that. Take a breather, if you come back in a month and w3'r3 @ll t@lk1ng l31k th15 and refering to each other as "ghey haxors" .... you'll know you made the right decision. ;)

It's still a new community, or at least a huge majority of it's members are new (I'm sure there's been a smaller, hardcore community since the game was announced). Give it some time to settle down before you decide to hit the road for good.


[Disclaimer: Before I get flamed like a whopper by all the CS fans out there (which let's face it, is probably 1 in every 2 ;) ) let me say that I love CS, or did at least. I mean no critisism of those sacred lines of code. Just the general community :rolleyes: ]

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LOL great responses.


Madcow if you feel the need, the need to leave then do it. The CS crowd will leave when they realise that they have no idea what they are talking about in relation to this game. Then again maybe they will all migrate here and camp out.

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