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Yet Another Example of How Business People Ruin Games

Guest deli

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I cannot believe the press release said that due to limitations in technology they canned Obi-Wan.

If you look at the lucasarts page, it's all console. It's been a big thing the biz for a long time that the only way to make money was to do console games. Look at the profits of Zelda : Majora's Mask, and then look at Deus Ex.

But Obi Wan deserved better. Dark Forces and Jedi Knight were two of the best. I just played through JK again and MOTS and it's still fun.

It's a move by Lucasarts that really doesn't shock me. I mean, the whole company is so driven by the bottom line. Should it be any other way? Of course not. BUT... companies like Blizzard show us the way. LEC shows us those crappy Bombad racing games, Jedi Power battles, the pod racing, yick!


But then again, THE PHANTOM MENACE was a DUD too!!!


Oh, Star Wars...... WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO YOU!!!!!?????



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Guest Garindan

watch what you say about podracing, that game is the best racing game!!!!! As for bombad, they should can that as well, it looks like somethign a pbs station would make, gross!

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Guest mathomas

Business people screwing things up?

Or people being too critical because they are expecting too much?


Was the movie bad? No -- look at the quality of acting, graphics, everything, compared to the original. I was seven when I saw Star Wars the first time. Of course it was cool.


Was Racer a bad game? No way -- it is a great racing game -- fun for multiplayer, quick action, big crashes. I enjoy it more than the run of the mill Need for Speeds.


Was the SW:TPM game bad? No -- maybe not as enjoyable to you or me as the Jedi Knight style of game, but it has it's own audience.


I even enjoy Force Commander. Once you get a hang of the interface, it can be more enjoyable than the tedious collect-this-mineral-so-you-can-build-this-unit game.


They make games directed at kids, they make games directed at "hard core" gamers. Just because it is a Star Wars game doesn't mean that everyone will like it.


BUT: it is very easy for everybody to put down the game, and put down the company. So, they can put out a game that people will complain about and they'll lose money on, or they can say screw that, we won't give them what they want because they won't be happy anyway.


PS cool sensoring of the post!


[This message has been edited by mathomas (edited November 23, 2000).]

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I'm not a bit surprised by this action by LEC. I have said it before on other forums about other games: The corporate mentality and game development were never meant to mix. Game development is an art, not a busines, though it can be very profitable if you make a game that people like.


There is no doubt that people liked what LEC had in mind for Obi Wan. But by declaring it a PS2-only release, they alienate a large group of people who would have bought it for the PC. Some of these people even forked out hundreds of bucks on system upgrades to be able to play the game.


Look at Nintendo64's "Shadows of the Empire". It released first on the N64, and then on the PC. Same with Rogue Squadron and Racer.


But we are told that the PC will not see Obi Wan. For those other games, people had a choice. They still had access to it even though they didn't have an N64 or whatever console. They could buy it for the PC, and even be able to edit it and make use of virtually unlimited replayability.


That won't happen with Obi Wan, though. LEC is essentially saying "If you want to play this game, you'll go out and spend $300 on a Sony Playstation II." They are dictating to me what equipment to buy.


I say screw them and the horse they rode in on!


The corporates even contradict their own procedures. First, it's "market it to the masses," which by definition means making a product available to the widest audience possible. Now they've gone selective. I'm sure their's a big money deal for them to keep Obi Wan exclusive to PS2.


It's ironic that Star Wars Online will also be run exclusively on Sony's gaming network. I smell a Japanese rat here, my friends. I've got a feeling that Lucasfilm may be about to sell its game development division to Sony.




The bottom line of course...


a whole bunch of these:




Sony owns Verant.


Verant is MAKING Star Wars Online


Obi Wan is to be made available ONLY for Sony Playstation II.


Sony all but owns the future of Star Wars gaming.


Something fishy is going down, here, my friends. I predicted what happened to the development of Sierra's Middle Earth Online. I predicted the corporate screw up that happened within the company for which I work (If I leave them, I'll name them), and I am predicting this now.


You're probably thinking, Lucas would never allow it.




Let me tell you that if LEC's executives whom Lucas appointed decide that it's more financially feasable to sell to sony, then all George Lucas has to see is the figure on the bottom line indicating the financial gain LucasFilm will have as a result. If it's good enough, he will smile as big as the Grinch. If it's not, he'll say no, and the execs will negotiate for a higher dollar value. If Sony wants it bad enough (And if they have the rights to develop Star Wars titles, then they have a major marketing name to work with), then they'll go up on their offer and it will be presented to Lucas again. Eventually, he'll be satisfied with the figure and will smile all the way to the bank.


Consider the commercial hype of Episode One for example... Not even the original trilogy's merchandising reached that level of gross excess of product endorsement.


I loved the movie, even WITH Jar Jar. But NO movie is worth that level of hype. I remember reading about how much a lot of the people who camped out for a month to see EP1 whined about being let down. I don't feel bad for them, though. Lucas started the fire with his merchandising hype tirade and they threw themselves into it like moths to a flame.


It has become clear to me that George Lucas has either granted his money-hungry executives too much power and has let them run hog-wild, or he himself has become nothing more than a money-hungry CEO himself.


Probably both.


I'm probably going to get a lot of flak about this, but I don't care. I call 'em like I see 'em.


What do you all think?

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Guest mathomas

I will agree that the licensed products are a little extreme, but don't kid yourself that there wasn't a tonne of stuff out for the original movies. Star Wars stickers, lunchboxes, glasses from Burger King, you name it -- just go into a collectibles store and have a look.


And don't go blaming LucasFilm for the hype -- the frenzy of the media was what got that going. People camping out for a month and being disappointed -- no kidding! What were they expecting? The touch of God? And that is what it comes down to with LucasArts. Everybody has been waiting for ObiWan, and if it isn't the greatest thing in the world, nobody will be happy.


From things I have read about George Lucas, he is a caring, family-oriented man. It doesn't come down to whether or not he is going to make a few extra bucks on ObiWan on the PC. When you already as rich as God (or at least, Bill Gates), it isn't _just_ about the money.

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I will admit that I may have been a little on the extreme side regarding my opinion of Mr. Lucas. However, he IS the CEO of a major corporation, and as such is responsible for appointing the executives in charge of that corporation's varrious divisions.


I know his reputation as a respectable and caring person. But by letting LEC discriminate against a large group of people who were ready to pay good money for one of his corporation's products, he may have smudged that reputation a bit.


It's Lucas Arts, not Sony Arts, or whatever-his-name-is-who-heads-up-LEC Arts. Lucas. If he allows his name to be put on a product, then to my mind, he is giving it his seal of approval.


I hope he reads some of this kind of thing. Maybe he'll sit down with his LEC execs and tell them that this just won't work.


I was going to buy a Sony Playstation II, eventually. But because of this exclusive release garbage, especially when just weeks ago, the PC version was coming along just fine, has really left a bad taste in my mouth. I have lost interest in getting a PS2. And that means I won't be buying Obi Wan, either. Nobody dictates to me how to spend my money. Especially on something that won't take them too much to make available on my preferred platform: The PC.


When George Lucas made American Grafiti, wasn't he annoyed with the studios for rewriting him in favor of what they believed would be better? Did he not swear that he would never deal with studios again when making a movie, that he would do it independently, so that the story he wanted to tell could be told as he wanted it?


Well, his company's game division has gone and pulled something very similar to what was done to him. Only, it was done to the very ones who hand over their money which benefits his company.


I think that I can honestly say that far more people have computers than they do Sony Playstation 2's. Not everybody has a PC AND every major gaming console on the market. Seems to me that they have opted to cut their profits.




I really think Lucas should do something about his game division. Maybe visit the offices there a little more, if just to remind them that they work for him, and he has an interest in the products they are developing.


Jedi Knight was the work of genius. There is so much that can be done with it to maintain its replayability. Things which cannot be done on a game console.



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No one said it was a PS2 exclusive. They juts said it wold be released on the next generation of consoles, meaning PS2 X-Box and gamecube. They may choose to only make it for one, but that is their perogitive. No one is ever going to be happy. If they released Obi-Wan for PC, and it had some rediculous requirements (which it probably would have) then the people without Comps that could play it or console owners would gripe. Now it is going to be released for a console, and PC owners gripe. If they announce it for just one or two systems, everyone else would gripe. I'm disappointed about it too, but lets get over it. It is just a game. There will be others. If you want the game that badly, buy that console. If you don't want to do that, then find something else to play. LEC has the right to decide what to do with their products. It isnt like they have released Obi-Wan and it is crap. Thats different.

And BTW, what does getting a PS2 have to do with Obi-Wan? You said that you wanted a PS2, but if Obi-Wan was only going to be released for PS2 you would no longer want to buy one. LEC's decision has nothing to do with the consoles or their Co. To me, that statement just didn't make sense.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

I agree, that statement didn't make much sense to me either!


The reason why people is upset is that LucasArts had this game planned for PC for years, developed it for years, advertised the game over the net in a ton of previews and shown the game running at E3. Then they suddenly stop a few months off the release date and ports the game to another platform without a valid reason explained to us loyal Obi fans! Limited technology! Bah! PC has the most advanced technology on the market! As long as we are talking system requirements, LEC themselves estimated a PII 300 with 64MB RAM to run the game. Hardly a ridicilous requirement! No offense Horn...



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It did sound rather stupid, didn't it?


I just don't like even the idea that someone may be trying to push me into buying a system that I don't really need and they didn't have to make the game for.


And whether it's for PS2, XBox or Game Cube, it's still on a next gen system that I cannot afford. My PC would have been able to run it, and if not, the upgrade wouldn't have been that expensive.


It would have not been so bad if they postponed the PC version until after the console ports release, but the CANCELED the PC version. As in it won't happen... period. Even though they were a saber's length away from being completed with it.


I should have said next-gen console exclusive.

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Guest Jedimaster Tanskanen

What about other Star Wars games?

SONY and Lec is playing with us! I sense it!

Soon all Star Wars games are made for PS2!

Not just tiny little Obi-Wan. Lec is betrayd us!



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Guest Jedimaster Tanskanen

OK. Sony is behind this, but we earn LEC´s support(PC player´s, not just SONY fans!)

I have 11 orginal star wars games/multimedia

CD´s and i like these CD´s, LEC is withdrawin

all Star Wars games from PC and you know it!!!

Not just Obi-Wan. Why Starfighter is made on Playstation?!? and what about demolition? Or JediPowerBattles? I don´t know! But soon all Games are under console´s. PC is lost the War with "next generation console´s!" I know this... PC is much better all kind of games, but console´s earn better than PC! Money is everything in gamemarket!!!


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Hmm, according to a recent interview (by TheForce.net) LEC claims that Obi-Wan team was fully supportive of the decision to move to console, it wasn't made without their consent.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited December 02, 2000).]

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They are also working on new PC games as we speak. Why do you think they should release every game they make for a console for PC? They don't make every PC game a console game. The consoles are a completly different market. Not everyone who owns a console owns a PC and vice versa. If you want to play the console games get an adapter or the system. If you don't want to do that, then thats your choice.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Hey, it's not like you buy every other game that comes out either. It's just a matter of choosing what platform(s) best fits your gaming needs!

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