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Server Console and Config commands


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The commands can all be found via the console screen. I think you just open it up type a "/" and press the tab key. AS for what they all do.... good luck. For the cvars that are not jk2 specific you can find any good q3 admin site and should be able to find them. Remember JK2 runs on the Q3 engine so by far and large the commands are the same. As for the jk2 specific commands look around these forums I've found explanations for all the commands I needed to know. Or if you have specifi cvars you want to know about, reply to this topic and I'll reply with what I know.

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To get a list of commands type /cmdlist intot he console.


For a list of cvars type /cvarlist


If you just want to see the game vars type g and then press tab or for the client game vars type cg then tab.


With each of these methods you'll have to use the page up and page down key's to scroll through the list or use a console dump (/condump <filename>.txt) to dump the list(s) to a text file.


For the server.cfg listings, MatrixCPA has made some nice configs with full commenting.

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