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i will admit some things about 1.3


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everyone is right.. dfa has been replaced by backstab and the low spin. which means that you cannot get in close to those people and it turns into a run in circles slash thing.



i do like 1.3 and think over all it is an improvement... but like many i miss my old medium stance. i dunno what it is but im playing a lot to try to get use to the new medium and it just does not feel right like the old medium did. it could be because its slower.. or how it controls but who knows for sure, im just going on feel.


light stance is just insane.. light stance you cant even really think about what your doin, all you do is spin over and over or slash 15 times a second hehe. it is kind fun if you havent tried it get in a duel and have both of you fight with fast stance ... youll get dizzy hehe.



i think strong stance is fine .. i have never been a strong stance user though so i only know from others attacking me.

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These idiots crawling on the floor were never a problem before this pathetic patch. The counter was simple to use a yellow stance and spin the blade into their sorry asses as you strafe them.


But thanks to the infinite wisdom at Raven, that little tactic seems to be problematic now.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

These idiots crawling on the floor were never a problem before this pathetic patch. The counter was simple to use a yellow stance and spin the blade into their sorry asses as you strafe them.


But thanks to the infinite wisdom at Raven, that little tactic seems to be problematic now.


Now now, let's not get irate. How do you think it could be done better?

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hehe its obvious that many people are pissed. im not really pissed at the patch i like it but some things dissapoint me. but im tryin to play extra duels to learn and get better. i have to admit i was pretty damn good before patch, from day one i did very well.. even won my first ever duel, now im a total newb again like most everyone hehe. its disconcerting, but hey hopefully they are tryin to make the game better. not worse.

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Originally posted by Nill the Mean

Now now, let's not get irate. How do you think it could be done better?


I don't mean to be irate. But I am deeply bothered by this whole fiasco.


As for how to make it better, make it like it was! Please understand, I was NOT one of these 'headless-chicken' spin spam types. I had total control over my saber. If I wanted to deal with one of these crawlers, I knew exactly where my spin needed to land to take them out. After two or three passes, these people ALWAYS got back on their feet and faced me. NOW, they know they can just keep crawling around and do their lame attack.


I want the old system back.

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I think it would be interesting to have been a fly on the wall at some of the meetings that must have lead up to the ENORMOUS changes in gameplay... I really just...don't get it.


Anyway it's done now, and whoever thought of it is probably banging his or her head against the wall because the complaints about tactics were kind of waning before, and have come back with a powerful vengance--so the problem from their perspective hasn't be solved, only inflamed.


Before they had an annoyed community, and now they have an angry, and utterly split community, I don't envy them the task of generating the next patch. The smartest thing to do is make some minor changes and and bug fixes, and let the complainig wear down...at least if what they're looking for is a less vocal community.


If they're looking for a satisfied community I think they'll have to tone down some of the changes and kind of admit that they made a mistake--frankly I think that that is the responsible choice to make, and while it will probably generate a lot of counterwhining, it will result in a larger base of people who are satisfied with the game. Right now there are a large number of people (myself included) who feel like they were sleighted by the patch and its utter alteration of the flow of the multiplaying game.

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