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Has anyone ever thought of...


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...making a mod that makes the game more like a traditional fighting game? As in removing the force, changing the camera view to a side view, limiting the freedom of movement (making the game control more like soul calibur than a first person shooter), making more 'fighting arena' type levels, adding rounds and ring-outs as well as things like throws and giving melee attacks some more importance besides the flip kick?


Maybe the request is too much to ask for but alot of people have tried to make fighting game mods before (GODZ, Bid for Power...) but this game seems to be a perfect base for that kind of mod. There are already sword fights and, to an extent, special moves.


Also, has anyone given any thought to making a bounty hunter mod? The game type could be as simple as deathmatch but with gizmos or something like a bounty hunter mod where an NPC is wandering about the level and must be captured alive. With such a kick-ass Jango Fett model in the works there's gotta be plans for a mod that does bounty hunters justice. We already were able to see the star wars universe from the eyes of a jedi knight...twice. I think it would be a good idea to shift the spotlight.


Remember the mod scientist hunt for half-life? Has anybody thought of doing something similar only with gungans, droids and ewoks?

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