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Starting SP game w/ saber & a couple powers?

Jedi Schmuck

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Sorry, I'm not much good with the console commands. What I'd like to do is start the single player campaign with a saber right away and ONLY saber offense, defense, and throw at level 1.


To use a saber right away, I found that "give weaponnum 1" worked (although my saber was invisible until I switched weapons a few times), but I can't seem to be able to give myself individual force powers. The "setforceall 1" command worked, but I'd rather only start out with offense, defense, and throw at 1 instead.


Tried "set force_saberdefense 1" and other variations, but can't get it to work. Could someone post the correct console commands to set this up right? Thanks!

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To get individual force powers: set_saberthrow 1,

set_forcepush 1, ect. I believe the stance and defense are automatically at one at all times, which is good bc I dont know the command for either.


Post this on single player forum next time please

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Thanks guys, setsaberdefense 1, etc did the trick. Also, offense & defense don't show up automatically. Without a defense of 1, I didn't seem to block any shots by the stormtroopers. Setting the offense to 1 doesn't seem to do anything, but it does give the purty little graphic now.


Thanks again.

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