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Obi Wan will never be as good for P$2 as it couldve been for PC


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Sorry PS2 guys, but its the truth. Might have great graphics and stuff, but will never be as deep as it couldve been if it was on the PC. Thats why Jedi Knight still rules. The graphics are outdated but the story and gamedepth are real. Besides, I dont think you will be downloading user created levels to play as you can with Jedi Knight. LEC will pay for this one.



"No, try not. Do or do not. There is no try".

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You are probably right, but you have to remember that LEC didn't say they would NEVER release Obi-Wan for PC. Even if they don't, I'm sure they will come up with another Dark Forces game for the PC when they feel they have the right technology or whatever. More than likly it will be based on Ep.2, which may end up being a better game anyway. How many other people are tired of the Ep. 1 games?

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Guest mathomas

How can one expect that the X-box will signifcantly outperform whatever version of GeForce, or Radeon, or 3dfx card that will be out at the time? If NVidia is making the graphics processor, why wouldn't they filter this technology into the PC? I really don't see how games will be drastically different for the X-box in relation to the PC.


From what I have read of the GameCube, however, they are touting it as a revolution in how easy it is to program games for it. I doubt that the limitations imposed by the technology is necessarily restricted to simple framerates and polygons. I wonder if DirectX is giving them problems -- and that would eliminate the X-Box.


My money is on the GameCube.

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And stop this comparing of the consoles. Episode 1 : Obi-Wan should be released in every game platform available. Jedi Knight was a experience which I would want to experience again but I won't buy any god damn console just because a one game... frown.gif


On PC it would have a longer life span though because the possibilities to make modifications and level packs for it...



Mauri "Darkblade" Majanoja


"If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine..."

-Obi Wan in New Hope


Mission designer for Freespace 2 : The Babylon Project

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And stop this comparing of the consoles. Episode 1 : Obi-Wan should be released in every game platform available.


But to do that, they'd have to obviously compromise the saber control system from what was described as an intricate system of mouse movements to something that a console could handle (ie dumb it down considerably). Obviously, a console control system would be some combination of Episode I controls (as dumb as it gets) and those stupid-ass fighting games (as illogical as it gets). Oh boy! What fun!

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Darkblade, the glyph system is nothing like the system used by Die By the Sword. It never was, so you shouldn't be disapointed, you aren't losing it (since it was never there).


Rumor has it the glyph system is gone though.



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