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Let's think about this further:

Guest mathomas

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Guest mathomas

They say their "quality standards" are higher -- meaning that people are too hasty in raising a stink if the game isn't a 10 out of 10. Say what you may about the Phantom Menance game, or Force Commander -- they weren't that bad of a game. The concept behind FC was a great change over the usual RTS, and TPM was not designed to replace Jedi Knight.


So let's consider multiplayer suppport -- who will jump down their throats if it comes out as a single player game only? EVERYBODY! Put it out on a console, no more problems with network lag or stability!


Heck, they can drop the resolution, because the consoles can't seriously do better than 800x600 on most people's televisions. Play a PC game at that maxes out at resolution, and what a stink it would raise (Diablo2 excluded, of course!).


As a console game, peoples expectations are less. There are so many FPS out there with incredible graphics, so not only would ObiWan have to match or exceed these levels, but it also has to have that little extra -- force powers, training, etc. How many complaints would come out that it is just a UT based game with fancier skins?


Here's what I would like to see in a first person shooter, and they almost got there with Jedi Knight:

Cross the fighting style of the usual Quake/Unreal first person shooter, but bring in the character development of Diablo. Not just force powers, but everything: jump higher, see further, run faster. Find cool stuff along the way, weapons that do this much damage, armour that absorbs this much. Of course, you can't carry it all, so you have to decide to keep the blaster rifle or the rail gun, but hey, your lightsaber still fits on your belt, and you have a pint or two of Juri Juice in your thermos. Actually put some meaning into the game, but still keep the first person perspective...



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Well, with the X-box's stated specs, they better do it justice (they can if they try)... still, it's a crying shame.


There must be someway to port it to PC.. it can't be that hard. Maybe after they recoup their losses, they can port it to PC? There would be a lot of happy fans if that happened.



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