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Robzilla -


I'm in the same bind. :) I've asked this question a few times to no avail.... I think you and I might be the only ones trying to do something a little more than create a new box with SW textures. heh.


Anywho - one of the responses I got was to try giving the rain entity a target to aim at. But this was from someone who didn't know for sure. I tried this to no avail, but alas I am a newbie mapper so I may have been doing something wrong. I put the rain entity in there, then put a target_position entity in there, linked the two (first selecting the rain, then the target and hit ctrl+K to connect them), recompiled full extra, no luck.


I'm going to keep trying and if I figure it out, I'll be sure to let everyone here know. Please do likewise....what have you tried so far?

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I've been working on a map of the Kamino Cloning facility landing pad from AOTC. Its almost complete except of course for the fact the I can't get the rain effect to work. Its driving me nuts, I'v looked all over or tutorials and looked through all of the forums I can find but no one knows how to use it. If anyone has figured it out please let all of us know how to use it, thanks.



P.S. if anyone from Raven is listening and might know how to use the rain, snow effects than please help!!

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I plan on sending ChangKhan an email on Monday....maybe he can help. I've seen a shader called "ssrain" in the shader files, and tried putting that on a ceiling surface, but it doesn't compile as anything but a black square with a white glowing outline.



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This has been covered in a number of posts... just put an fx_rain entity somewhere you want rain, then surround the entity and all the outside area around it with the "outside" shader.


This also only works in SP (no multiplayer functioning as of this time).

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