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First time I play 1.03 and...

Ronald McDonald

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...I must say I don't like it. Guns are worthless, an opponent wielding a lightsaber will block a shot even if you shot his side. Almost everything I attack with is blocked, you have to literally get behind your opponent and attack him or wait for him to do a move with a long recovery rate and then attack. In 1.02 I used the Heal force power, now it is worthless because of the large amount of mana it takes (50% of mana). I believe that a patch should fix bugs not change a game.


-Ronald McDonald :fett:

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Well, true to the game, most shots will be blocked by a saber. There are many modes of fire on different guns that are unblockable, however. A patch should fix bugs, but sometimes gameplay needs to be adjusted. Raven chose the alter the gameplay significantly and very quickly instead of gradually, which will naturally cause a few problems. But I personally like the new saber combat system. I AM kinda upset about Heal, but if it were up to me I wouldn't have included it in the first place. Just let people find the health packs.

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Originally posted by Ronald McDonald

Hmm, I think you're the one who hasn't watched the Star Wars movies my friend. When a shadowtrooper shots the side of someone who has a lightsaber the shot isn't automatically blocked magically.


It's not magic as you allude to. Jedi Knights can sense the future, which is what makes it look like they have such quick reflexes. So if you want to get down to being pure about it, if a Jedi is in a ready stance, and you shoot him from behind, he KNOWS the shot is coming before you even shoot it and can decide to block that as well, as long as he's not physically prevented from doing so. Of course, that doesn't happen in the game.


Personally I think it makes perfect sense that the Jedi should automatically block most every shot. To not have that happen is ridiculous. You must wait for your opening when the Jedi is busy fighting someone else when he cannot do two things at once (and that window of opportunity is small). Still can't hit him? Then either use an area of effect weapon and hope she doesn't push it back on you, or break out your own Light Sabre and get in there and fight. :)

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