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Consol for Obiwan

Guest ReverendToast

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Guest ReverendToast

Okay, I admit that I am pretty ticked that Obiwan isn't coming out for PC, anyway, there are a few unanounced games, one of which may be an actual sequel to Dark Forces. Anyway, what counsol do you think obiwan would be best on? From what I have gathered, i would say that the best contenders would be the PS2, dreamcast, and the nintendo Gamecube. Now, I plan on getting a PS2, and a NGC(already got one reserved). Now, from what I understand about the systems, the best one for lucasarts, if they want to make a very good game in a hurry, would be the NGC. However, if they are looking for profit, then they might as well go with the PS2, since it would be a definite sell. Making it for the dreamcast would also ensure it as a seller. Now from what I have read from developers, it seems that the PS2 is incredibly hard to create games for, much like the nintendo64, while the NGC is very easy to develop for, like the playstation. (NOTE: third party developers haven't gotten the complete version of the NGC dev kit, but the 2nd party game companies(like Factor 5, makers of Rogue Squadron) already said that it is very easy to develope for, while companies making games for the PS2(Konomi for instance, makers of Metal Gear Solid) have already said that it is very hard to develop for the system, and that it isn't as powerful as originally claimed(All the games that are currently out don't go past the 2 million polygons per second count). I personally, and I am betting that all the gamers who don't have lots of money, would prefer it to come out on the NGC, because it can handle games better than the PS2, it is easier to develope for(less of a wait, who doesn't like that?), and the system is supposeldy going to be much cheaper($200 at Launch). Also, since a lucasarts affiliate already has a dev kit, i am willing to bet that they are planning on releasing it on NGC.


Please note: I am not a "Nintendo Freak" I plan on getting a PS2, since I want to play Metal Gear solid 2, Chrono Cross, Vampire Hunter D, and the new Final Fantasy games, however I believe that the NGC is a better system, and is more worth the money.

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Guest Dave Maul

I can't see a game like Obi-Wan coming out for GameCube. Xbox is a more likely contender, as it is most like a PC, therefore theoretically easier to port to.




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PS2 and X-Box are the most likly canidates. Although it would be easier to port Obi-Wan to the X-box, they could still release it for PS2. They have a full year before the X-Box is even going to be released. In that time they could make it for the PS2 as well. In fact, probably half that amount of time; so it is still up for grabs. More than likly, they will probably release it for both. Gamecube and Dc is out of the question more than likly. If you have seen the stats for the Gamecube, you would understand why.

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Guest ReverendToast

What are these "so called stats" are you reffering to? Do I hear that you feel that the Gamecube is WORSE than the PS2? Is that what I think you are saying? Well, you must be saying that "Hey, NGC must suck because it has a 64bit processor? Huh, what do you think about that?" Well did it occur to you that the second processor(the one that handles the graphics, yeah, thats right, one does gameplay, another does graphics) is 512bit. Or are you saying that "Oh, NGC only can hold 1.5 gigabites on one disc, ohhh that is so little", well how many games have you played that are over 2 gigs? Multiple discs aren't bad. The only reason that games are more than a gig, are that they either use sprite animated graphics(very well animated), or they are using lots of FMV cut scenes(which are stupid). Just so you know, Final Fantasy 7 could have been fit on one CD, if it was void of most of the FMV's. Zelda64 is only 30megabits. Trust me, those of you who say the NGC is a bad system are either uninformed, or are complete closed minded bufoons, who think that because a GAMING SYSTEM CAN'T play DVD movies, play CD's, word process, or surf the net, makes it a bad system. DOSEN"T MOST OF THE PEOPLE WHO USE THE INTERNET ALREADY HAVE A COMPUTER? Why spend the extra 50-100 bucks to get a system that they spend more times making it do more things then spend the time to make it a good GAMING system? Gamecube will probobly revitalize this.


Oh, on X-Box, well, i really don't know. Either it is going to be EXTREMELY expensive(as consoles go) or it is going to be much worse than they are saying it will be(which is still going to be good). I don't really want to waste my money on a system that is basically going to play PC ports.

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My money's on it being for Xbox, and I am actually kind of hoping that it is the Xbox rather than something else, mainly because as it is closer to PC architecture, I feel it would be done greater justice on that system, also I feel it would be easier to modify or port it to PC afterward (maybe there's still some hope).


Of course, if I had my way it would be on PC first and foremost.



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About the Gamecube. It gets its butt kicked in stats. Period. It beats the PS2 in like two areas, thats it. And lets face it, besides Zelda and a few choice others, the games suck comparitivly. They are games aimed at kids. How many Mario Bros./Donky Kong games do you need? They are worse than Sega using Sonic to death! Plus the console is just plain ugly. Its a box. WOOHOO!(sarcastic)I'm sorry, i mean its a box that comes in a few neon colors. Even better. It looks like the monitor for those personal MAC computers that come in all those funky colors.

The X-Box looks decent enough, and its stats rock. I'm just a little weary of it because of Microsofts legacy of releasing bugged products that need a million patches. Heck, I got a sidewinder joystick for X-Mas one year, and it didn't work. So I took it back and they replaced it, thinking I just got a defected one. Ends up they were all defective, cuz the second one wouldn't work either.

As far as the Obi-wan release thing. It is still up in the air. The Prez of the company said so. It would be easier to port it to the X-Box, but who cares considering the thing wont even be released for another year. In half that time they could release it for the PS2 and make money off it. From what I have read, and I'm not sure on the validity of it, they had planned on releasing Obi-Wan for PS2 from the start anyway, its just the designers didn't like the idea. Like I said, that could be just rumor, so take it as such.

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Keep in mind there is still the time factor.


What percentage of Obi-Wan is actually completed? We don't know. It certainly isn't ready to go Gold yet, or else they wouldn't have done that drastic delay and then cancellation. Obviously it has some time to go yet.


I would think the new time frame would be just enough to finish it and adapt it to the Xbox's custom hardware. Probably not enough time to convert the whole thing to another format entirely while finishing the game.


I wish we knew what percentage was done.. 50%? 70%? 20%? The stuff we saw at E3 was only pre-alpha/alpha (back in May) after all, and they had barely even begun on Multiplayer at that time.



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Guest Darth_Simpson

Hehe, I remember seeing a MP gameplay interview with Dan Connors. The MP was pretty screwed up, people got stuck in walls, died suddenly etc... Not good...

I don't think they actually got very far on the game, they still had a lot of programming/debugging to do!


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Guest mathomas

I'm still betting on no multiplayer in the console version! A first person perspective of The Phantom Menace game...


And how long would it take to "port" -- all the level geometry, models, etc. are probably mostly complete. If they were actually having problems with the engine, then that would also logically exclude the X-Box from the possible consoles, because they are probably re-writing for something that's easier to program! If they were having problems with the PC code, they'll have problems with the X-Box as well...



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Guest Dave Maul

Yeah, but apparently the PS2 isn't a picnic to program for either. That's why Oddworld Inhabitants left for Xbox.




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Guest Darth_Simpson

Look at this screenshot : 01.jpg


I'm starting to believe that the LEC programmers are a bit crap. This screen shot from Sacrifice clearly shows a huge draw distance and very good detail. How come they can't put Obi-Wan on PC when this game is already out. The minimum system requirements for the games were/are the same. PII 300 with 64MB RAM! I just don't get it...


Oh, and Obi-Wan and Sacrifice were/are both using the auto-scale system to measure your system speed and show the amount of detail needed to work out a good framerate.




[This message has been edited by Darth_Simpson (edited December 01, 2000).]

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Gamecube is faster than Playstation 2, and probably very close in performance to XBox. It can currently sustain in excess of 12 million polygons per second with eight hardware lights and all effects on, which is far above Playstation 2's capabilities and higher than many professional estimates of XBox's power I've seen.


Julian Eggebrecht, president of Factor 5, had the following to say on a German message board:


Hi folks,

Here are some facts about the Star wars demos:

- Both videos run in realtime and use 50% of the hardware


- The X-wing was taken from the original model of ILM from the star wars SpEd with ILMs Textures and Shaders. The X-wing alone has 30,000 polygons and the pilot in the X-wing 4000.


- Both demos run constantly with 60fps double buffered true-color and full screen anti aliased and deflickered.

There were no slow downs, like I said, we still had a lot of buffers last week when the stuff had to be finished.


- We have rebuilt the surface 1:1 of the second, original Death Star from the film.

The simple shapes are up to 300 polygons per piece. Every element has 512x512 a True color texture.

You can see 25 of it in the demo. There are 70 ties and wingmen onscreen. So, there are together like 200,000 poly. on 60 fps with up to 8 light sources and gloss, dirt and bump maps. If the X-box can handle this i eat a broom (a german proverb)


- We run the exactly same demo on the current X-Box prototype and it can't handle more than 12 fps. But let's wait for the final hardware...


Now seriously: on a 640x480 screen you can't really see the difference from both demos with the original film.

We had last week some guys from ILM here that worked on the SpEd here and couldn't believe it!


Nintendo posted real-world performance estimates rather than raw polygon rates. Unfortunately, a lot of people just compare Nintendo's 12 million polygons with full effects and texturing with Sony's 66 million raw polygons and assume PS2 is much faster. It isn't.

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Guest mathomas

And Playstation games are any better than Nintendo games?


Which is why they are pushing the Gamecube as being easy to program for, because then it will be more likely for other publishers (like Lucasarts) to put out *potentially* awesome games on the Gamecube.


Time will tell.

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Actually yes. Playstation games were better. Thats why I bought a PSX instead of a N64. Don't get me wrong, the Zelda games are awsome, I only meant that many of Nintendo's games tend to be targeting a younger audience and has less serious games. IMHO I really don't think either Gamecube or Dreamcast will be likley canidates.


X-Box has a great shot because it is easier to port and it looks to be shaping up to a great system. The PS2, while it may be hard to program for right now, is still a good bet as well, due to its popularity and audience. The X-Box will be comming in fresh against some hard competition, and by the time it is released the PS2 would have already gained even more popularity. The fact that PS2 can play all, and enhance most PSX games gives it an edge with those who owned a PSX. Plus, it gives the PS2 a starting library of hundreds of games.


We still have a year before X-Box will even be released. In that time Obi-Wan could just as easily be programed and released for the PS2 as it could for the X-Box. It just depends on wheather or not LEC wants to wait the extra amount of time for the X-Boxes release; which they could.

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