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Doom shield


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I've advanced a long way since last seeking help from this Board. Nevertheless, I am stumped in the Doom Shield level (circular building with locked doors around perimeter, with several huge pipes leading out to an enclosed cylinder room in the center). I'm in that room and opened the 4 hatches, one of which has tunnels (through the large pipes just described) that leads to another area with more locked doors and a couple of rooms that can be opened with floating drones and robots. I have a key and can't open anything. A few questions:


How do I open the rooms accessed via the pipe, can I open the grates to the other pipes, and how do I open the outside permiter doors? My guess is that if I can find the door that the key goes to, I can figure the rest out.


Thanks in advance.

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I figured it out ... went through the hassle of mapping the entire level, and of course the solution was in the very last room I mapped. (same room I had visited many times) - my error was assuming the droids I could see through the window were the same ones I had seen in the room below - NOT!! - it donned on me that they weren't because I had destroyed them earlier (you can throw a light sabre through blue shields where the droids are - caveat - you might need the droids, so destroy with caution). The answer is ...........


when you are inside the center room with the pipes leading out, take the left back tube while standing in the door facing the room - that leads to 3 pipes, use force to open the hatch. That takes you a locked door that is in fact the locked outside perimter hall door of the main shield assembly.


So, take the elevator up to the second level, then jump up to the third level. Go in the only room you can open. Light sabre the window and jump down to be greeted by a couple of very friendly light sabre-wielding friends ... sheesh, amazing how I could have been there so many times and not figure it out!!

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Sup. Ok, The huge room with the cylider in the middle


I open a door to a room that contains 2-4 men, inside there is a glass section that I need a security card to open, where might I find this Key Card?


I've killed everyone I can find and re-checked the palces where I killed them

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