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Warhammer 40K model


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Hi all, just wondering if any of you would consider making a Tau model for me?

Ethereal Aunshi to be exact.

If you consider this and need some pictures to look off, I have one, or you can go to the official site for the Tau to get their skin color, body form and such.


Black and white picture with Aun'shi in battle(He's to the right with the spear like weapon)



And here is the warhammer 40K/ tau site, take a look!



For any more information you can contact me at uo_kajan@hotmail.com I have a good knowledge of the tau considering I collect their army and have their codex.


Please read and respond.:yoda:

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dude, i'd love to do anything in the lines of fantasy, orcs, knights, etc... it would be awesome to fight a huge orc in JK2. im working on my Boba Fett model as of right now though, u can check out the links bellow. but actually its a good thing, coz with this model in progress, i am working out all the kinks of model building process, so after that, it should be a lot smoother for my next model. i will gladly do this kind of stuff, and if u can provide enough refference material, it would be great.



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Great idea!! i love Wh40k too!


Would be cool seeing an Spacemarine or a Terminater even fighting with a waraxe or something!


...I can model, but i modeled spaceships and made a few gun hacks for CS


I made a Marine from the movie FinalFantasy, but never finished it. I´m modeling some sort of fantasy guy right now, but i think i´ll give it up since modeling or general modding ruens fun, couse you get really sik of it...well


i´ll hope someone helps this guy! think hes not just a spammer like the most requesters here



Don´t destroy his Dreams!! ;):D

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who doesn't love w40k? on that subject, me and some friends are doing a JKII TC in the 40K universe, if ur interested the site is here, we've been doing it for all of a week and a half so dont expect great things YET, but i promise it will be ace! if ur any good at modeling/mapping, and share our love of all things large and power-armoured then we would apreciate ur help with it (we being 3 people, and having our basic models-need-doing list at over 50 models so far (including a Land Raider - we're mad, aint we?)). oh, and sorry in advance about the url, we're trying 2 get hosting wiv jkii.net but no luck so far :-(


oh, Dunf? we'll do ur model for u, if u can wait a month or so for us to get our acts together and our exams over and done with!


"If this Greater Good thing involves sticking a loaded bolter up some Tau's arse then I'm all for it!" Brother Marine Sergeant Some-Guy-I-Can't-Remember-The-Name-Of

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yeh, we r gonna completely re-do the weapons, a whole new campaign, loads of models etc etc etc. we should be done this time in 5 years or so ;-)

just a q for all you 40k fans out there: would u rather have a whole assortment of 40K weapons, ranging from bolters and flamers to lascannons and plasma cannons, or would you rather see something more realistic, so just the basics a marine in a standard tactical squad would have? i was thinking perhaps the second option, so kombat nife, plasma pistol and bolter with a load of shot variations (Inferno, Kraken, Fragmentation, Toxin etc) and perhaps something big and nasty later on, but would you all rather have a gung-ho fragfest? just a thought

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