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Connection Interrupted Error


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Hey, ill join a game and about 10 seconds or so into the game i will get a 'Connection Interrupted' error. I think the problem is that I have a linksys router, can that be the problem? It also worked before the new patch. The weird thing is I can still watch everything, so my connection is not fully interrupted. Any suggestions, please post! ThankS!

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i also have this problem i ping 999 and get con interupted to but everyone moves fine if not a little bit of jerking but i cant move and i never lag out of it i noticed i get a error that want there before its NET_SendPackets (then some letters) i also get NET_SendPackets NoError and it repeats this error over and over in console plz someone help :confused:

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I have this prob also. When I join a game, even if it is exactly the same patch, whatever ,as mine it tells me 'Connection Interrupted' and jerks me about a bit, lags, sometimes I get hurled off a cliff cos of it but usually it's just that my Internet server (btanytime) is redialling. I don't know if this is the same prob you're having but hope I helped. Would make a nice change if I did.:D

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