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One of the reasons OB1 was dropped from the PC. Interview with LEC Prez


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TFN: What does the next generation hardware allow you to do that current PC technology doesn't?


SJ: I think there has been some confusion about this point, and in hindsight, wish that we had made the wording a little clearer in our statement. We do not believe that PC technology has been outdated by the next gen consoles. We do however believe that the array of non-standard specifications associated with PC gaming were proving problematic for the game. The game was running beautifully on a 1ghz PC with a Geforce II and 128M RAM. However, it was really struggling with lower spec machines - and that became an issue for us.


There ya go. I know I wouldn't have been able to play it without dropping a few $100 in upgrades.



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Guest Darth_Simpson

Yup, that's what we all suspected. But I still can't help but think that the LEC programmers doesn't know how to optimize a game for a system. Take a look at games like Sacrifice and Giants. Huge draw distance, extremely detailed graphics...Obi-Wan doesn't look half as good as them... Ah, well!


After months of hyping Obi-Wan, I can't say that I'm no tdisappointed with the decision to cancel it for PC, but I'm pretty much over it. There are so many other great games out there to play, so it's no reason to get all emotional over one game. Besides, I'm eagerly awaiting the next LEC PC game annuncement!

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Well, I'm sorry. real fans will get the upgrades, and anyway.. The technology is moving so fast that 1gigz will be outdated before you know it. That is a REAL lame reason. And... if you don't want to upgrade, just lower the detail, resolution, ahh lower to 16bit. All of this will give you a reasonable frame rate without taking a toll on the game, And it will STILL look better than a console.

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I don't think so. And some of us dont have the money to drop on upgrades. That line about "a real fan would..." was pretty lame. Console games don't look too bad anymore. And who cares anyway. I think it is about time we all stop whining about it. If them cancelling Obi-Wan for PC is a serious blow to your whole life structure, then I think you need to get out more. There will be other games. And I'm with simpson, can;t wait for the new release announcement.

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