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ArtifeX's v1.03 Saber Combat Guide Now Available!


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Check out the new *ASC* website for my new saber guide that covers all of the changes to lightsaber fighting in the v1.03 patch. Make sure to let me know if you think I missed something.




The old v1.02 saber and force power guides are posted as well, so check them out too if you haven't read them yet!


Also, the v1.03 Force power guide is on the way, so don't fret...

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Hey Artifex , you have forgotten one special move ( that I ve found out lately ) .


This move can only be done in lightstance .

Do the uppercut slash ( crouch + forward + prim = uppercut slash ) .

If you hold these 3 button , he will stick the blade in the ground and do somekind of fast backslash in his back . You can combine more moves if you want when doing the second move .


If you still don t know what I m talking about , just give me your email and i ll send it to you .


Legend Of Khaydarin

PS : Nice guide

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Nice work Artifex, I think it's bit less arrogant than the last one and that's a good thing :D


Anyway if the information you've gathered holds true there's some serious issues with this game (no, really? :)). I'm glad to see you're doing more than just talking. (like most of us :))

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I'm a total newbie to the JK2 mp and recently joined in online battles.I was gettin my ass kicked by excellent players.I have one question:

Tthose good players,do they bind that sabre special moves to the one key with the script or somethin or they are just that good and mastered the skill with time?



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