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after the mine..room with at-at's


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I finally got myself and all the prisoner's out of the mine, and I'm in that HUGE outside area, I've done everything, killed everyone, destroyed Ion cannons, and as I understand, I'm supposed to go back to that room with all the At-At's and go to the top ledge on the far side and a previously locked door will now be unlocked. Well it's not unlocked, and I've spent FOREVER walking around this entire level....I'm sure it must be a glitch that the door is not unlocked yet. Any suggestions?

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Thank you! Finally a reply!! Thank you so much!! Yes I am positive, there are no more Ion cannons still working, and I have been across that area outside so many times, I am POSITIVE there are no more AT-ST's

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Hrmmmmm...well I apologize, the best I can do is keep you bumped so someone more knowledgeable can answer the question.


I know this sounds crappy but you might want to start the level over and see if you can get it on a second pass, I find that helps me...sometimes.

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