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Ep1-3 vs Ep4-6 ?

Guest NinjaFox

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Guest NinjaFox

How come everyone are talking about those new games and everything, everyone talks about either Episode 1, or Episode 4-6. How come we can't have a game from all movies, I mean fight Stormtroopers AND those robots, not ST or robots ? Naboo Fighters vs TIE Fighters. It's easy, just put the action between Ep3 and 4, so make a new story. Jedi Knight had a new story, Sith had a new story.

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Guest Darth_Simpson

That kinda game will probably surface after Ep. 3 then. Covering all the films would be a HUGE project, and I think its never gonna happen



Hunger leads to donuts...



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Guest Orbvs_Terrarvm

Well if LA supports the mod community (and even if they don't) I am sure that after Episode III comes out there will be all kinds of scenarios linking the prequals to ep 4 5 & 6. By then there will be lots of goodies to add to those mods I am sure, like assasin droids (which were banned by Palpatine, ironic, eh?) elements of the Clone Wars, ect.

I tell you what,I want to see Yoda fight! We all know Darth Vader likes to force throw while he fights, Palpatine likes to use lightning, and Luke likes to force whine wink.gif I wonder what Yoda does to open a can of whoop ass. Hmmmmmmmm.........

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Guest Darth_Maul

<font color="red">According to Lucas, we shall see, come Episode II.




Darth Maul

Dark Lord of the Sith Order


"Fear attracts the fearfull. The strong.....the weak....the innocent. Fear is my ally."

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Guest Neumi

LucasFilm forbid every story in the timeframe between TPM and ANH.


So there is no game with a story.


What sense would it have to let N1 fighters attack Tie's?

As we know, the N1 is no good fighter, it has no hyperdrive and it is used only by the Naboo.

Sveevery mission would have to take place over Naboo.

Besides, the x-Wing creators said in the next time they will not create any Star Wars game.


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Guest Orbvs_Terrarvm

They forbid it? That is a little extreme. I can understand how Lucas Arts wouldn't want someone to make a mod with Yoda and Ben hittin the bong in the events between parts 3 and 4 but forbidding anyone to a game about that period is a little too protective. Do they think that the events in the game are going to somehow make it into the Star Wars Encyclopedia? I think we are a little too intelligent for that to happen. There are so many Halflife mods that 'take place' where the game ended and they are all so drastically different from each other but that will not confuse anybody when Half Life 2 comes out. I don't mean to go off on a tangent but sheesh! Arggghh!!! booga booga ! bleep ffwipit ... Time to take my medication....

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Guest Neumi

It wasn't LucasArts, but LucasFilm.


Ok, let's say: they firbid every OFFICIAL story set in this timeframe.


You may have noticed, that there are no books that take place then.

Sure, some short stories take place than and some books make references, but there is no official stuff.


Even the Jedi Knight games made it into the Star Wars official storyline.


If a fan does some add ons, it's fine for Lucasfilm, but LEC won't do anything in this direction.


George doesn't want anybody to tell him how the story goes.


Maybe in the next movies we will not even see Z95 or so.

That whole thing about the clone wars is a rumor, because the fans believe what Timothy Zahn sais, but it is not sure they will make it into the movie.



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Guest NinjaFox

Sure Naboo Fighters have no hyperdrive, but since when did the TIE have them ? I mean the TIE Fighters, not TIE Advanced or Defenders. The TIE have their strength in numbers and skilled pilots, but isn't that a great thing for a game ? Imagine one houndret TIE Fighters, one houndred Naboo Fighters, lotsa Star Destroyers (mostly just watching) over Naboo ! We could have a bit A-Wings, X-Wings, Y-Wings, TIE Defenders, all sorts of ships, all in a all-out battle ! But that's just a wish...

By the way, last time I heard they weren't making any more games from Ep4-6 "right now", they where focusing on Ep1. This don't mean they are -never- gonna make more, but since everyone are thinking Ep1 when they hear StarWars, and Ep4-6 are getting dated, here goes Ep1. But hey, I know they are gonna make more games from Ep2 and 3 when those movies are out, and they are gonna make games from Ep3,5 (three and a half) but I want them NOW ! StarWars are excellent movies, and the games are even better ! (exept Rebellion, it's WAY to much strategy, even though the combat rocked !)

One more thing, LucasArt ARE LucasFilm, they just changed the name. Don't know why.

So, this last's one for them Gods in Lucas.


CAN YOU PLEASE MAKE A GAME LIKE ALONE IN THE DARK, BUT WITH A JEDI WANNABE !!!??? (JEDI KNIGHT BUT WITH ALONE IN THE DARK STYLE) This would be a excellent game. No doubt. After Force Commander we desperately need a good StarWars game !


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Guest Neumi

Tie Fighter are carried arround by large battle ships. I know that and you know it fore sure.

naboo (as we all know from the official sources) have no battle ships, so who should cary them around?

Besides: the tie Fighter was develope only a coupple of years before N1.

At that point the N1 was outdated.

The N1 COULD vome together with Y-Wings, maybe Z95.


I never said they will never create a SW game again. But at the moment there is only room for EP1 games. They surely will not release a EP2 game, before the movie is out.

So it has no sense to talk about games coming out in 2 years or later. I really don't care about them right now.


About Rebellion: I loved the stratey, it was not enough.

I wanted to create routes for transports to get upplies, build space stations and all this stuff.

The combat is nice (I finished the game yesterday - again), but the fighters and ships are to stupid to use their weapons in the right way.



One more thing: i wrote "LucasFilm", not "LucasFilm Games".


LucasFilm Games => LucasArts Entertainment Company


LucasFilm = still LucasFilm (they produce movies, you know: StarWars, Indiana Jones ...)


LucasFilm <> LucasFilm Games


LucasFilm <> LucasArts Entertainment Company


Any more questions?


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Guest NinjaFox

Naboo don't have large ships, but how 'bout combat over Naboo itself ? Vader sends a stardestroyer or five with TIE's, attacking Naboo. Walkers, er, walk the earth, and who defends ? Naboo Fighters ! Maybe don't have a X-wing, but y-wings can be done. And remember Ep2, attack at Hoth ? The rebels knew at-at's already.

As for LucasArt vs LucasFilm vs LucasFilm Games, who cares ? They make excellent games and movies anyway. Screw the name.

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Guest Neumi

I must ask again:

What sense would that make?

so we had a large fight over Naboo.

Does that fit in the story?

Isure don't know and until I can not say for sure, it is unimportant.


If you want fights over Naboo, you sure will enjoy "Battle for Naboo" from LEC.

They sure will convert it to PC patforms, too.


What has TPM (=EP5, not EP2) to do with the rest?


If you want to mix the different time frames, you can go up to ANH if you want, but TPM plays 3 years after ANH.


I would like to separate Trilogy1 from Trilogy2. This are 2 different stories.

In one the empire rises, in the other it falls.

We have no information about the empire in the time between this 2 stories.

Sure, you can tell them in on big 12h-movie, but there are 2 main plots. I'm sure, nobody cares how Luke grew up and so.

This years were boring - sure, there are some stories about some other characters, but none of them is important for the main plot.


About the names: LEC has no right to forbid anyone to do something with Star Wars. LucasFilm does that. That's all.


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Guest NinjaFox

Neumi, sorry to say this, but do you know -anything- about StarWars ? Ep1 have -everything- to do with Ep4-6 !!! Big spoiler warning: Senator Palpatine from Ep1 and Emperor Palpatine from Ep4-6 are THE SAME PERSON !!! And if you have seen Ep6 (?) you should know Darth's real name, need I say more ?

Sure it don't fit in the story told in the movies to have a fight over Naboo, but that's exactly why I want a new story ! Take Jedi Knight for example. The best FPS I have ever played, and guess what ? That Jedi does have a connection to Luke Skywalker, but I won't tell you how... Nope, not "There is another one...." Rather: "Hey, I'm a Jedi. You're a Jedi. Let's make a school to create even more Jedi's !"

Either Naboo will go with a bang in Ep2 or 3, or it can still be a place to have a fight with TIE's and X-Wings and N1's. Sure hope it don't blow up, but if it does, so be it. The story can still be from somewhere between Ep1 and 2, or Ep2 and 3, or something. Even have a comic book placed somewhere between Ep5 and 6, and it rocks.

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Guest Neumi

Palpatine = Palpatine ??????

Oh My!


REAL big spoiler.


Vader = Anakin?????



Maybe we misunderstand us.


I mean: There is ONE big story, separated in 2 trilogies.

The 2 trilogies talk about 2 generations of the Skywalker family.


I know wha you want to say about Jedi Knight.

the problem you don't seem to notice is: Naboo is to important. they can't create a story like JK or WXvsTF using this planet.


Look at JK: Nar Shaddaa has no importance for the movies, Kyle's homeplanet and the valley of the Jedi neither.

But Naboo is in the center of the story.

In JK Kyle didn't act near other important people we know from the movies, he has his own story (I allways wondered why he never appeared in one of the books, but maybe he will in the future - I know the Dark Forces Books, but they have not THAT much to do with the rest).

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Guest NinjaFox

Sure Naboo's important, but that don't mean they can't have a story there. For instance, Jar Jar got kicked out. Why ? Hm....

Ep2 aren't finished yet, is it so hard to put in a few lines of something "that happened" on Naboo between Ep1 and 2 ? And aren't Obi-Wan important ?

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Guest Kurgan

New stories are cool.. but making games based on known big-selling stories (the movies) is a "safer bet" marketing wise. That way you can capitalize off the success of the name people are familiar with.


Besides, they were cool, so why NOT make games out of them?


And technically, Star Wars Demolition at least, spans all four movies (and so does Rouge Squadron, in a small way, of course).



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Guest NinjaFox

Sure it's safer to make the story follow the movies, I just say I hate those games. Rebel Assault, for instance. Makes me sad to think of what it -could- have been, if it just had a new story. But sadly, we all know what it is.... X-Wing was good, not great. TIE Fighter are still great.


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