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Playing my Map


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I just made a simple square map using the newest version of JK2 Radiant 1.28 jk2. After finishing it I went up to Bsp and clicked FullVis. After the Ms-Dos program was finished I was left with 2 files, one Lesson.map which I saved beforehand and now Lesson.bak. All the other maps I see people make have .pk3 after it and simply put it in their base folder. Someone please help me out on this.

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A) If you don't have a file called lesson.bsp then you've got a no file that the game can use anyway and something isn't right with either the way you compiled the map or the way the editor is setup.


B) You have to build the .pk3 file yourself which would include your .bsp file and any textures that you used which aren't included in the game

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After doing the compile you should be left with a file of the same name as your .map file, but with the extension .bsp


If you're just testing it out you can load that file by starting a server and going to "advanced" and change Pure Server from Yes to No. Load a game, open the console and type "map <name of yer map here>", minus the quotes and the brackets. It will load the .bsp map then.


If you're looking to turn that small room into a .pk3 file then you need to zip the .bsp file into a .zip file. Be sure it includes the /map path when you do so. Also include extra files like textures that you used that did not come with JK2. Once its ziped up then just rename the file by changing the .zip to .pk3 and its ready to be used straight from the game menu.


To get an idea of what files are in a .pk3 and their directories, download someones finished level from here, and then unzip the .pk3 file. Then open the .pk3 file with the unzip program you use and take a look inside to see what all makes up the .pk3.


Hope this helps.

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Thanks for the help guys, it seems I missed a file when I compiled it, turning the pure server off also seemed to do the trick. I'm going to be working at this for awhile but if anyone else reads this I have another problem.


I can put objects inside the room, well some anyway, a street light and a box, the actual weapons and ammo I place don't appear in the game. Anyways, it seems I can walk right through both the street light and the box. Wondering how I can fix that.

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Seems that's the way the quake 3 engine works. you will have to place clip brushes around the object to the player from passing through. It is recommended to make brushes that closely match the shape of the object but if you don't feel like it you can just make a 4 sided brush around the object and assign the clip texture to it.

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