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nuetral Saber guide (something for those who don't agree with ASC, or SC)


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Originally posted by morte_man

Sigh well considering this a thread about NSC not about american's and Eurapeans..... Anyways it doesn't matter


Once again, I urge you to read the posts, it was not about Europeans Vs Americans. I was defending your right to post about this material. Sheesh.

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Well, Vestril, we've both made our points, no reason to argue over nothing. Let's just get on with our lives.

I had an experience today, that has made me realize why bother, people are gonna be jerks with or without their so called "codes." It was an ffa game WITH guns. A large group of people were busy whacking eachother with sabers, so I felt it was my duty to treat them to the alt fire of my flechette. After annihilating all of them I of course got kicked for being *ahem*"a lamer, gay, a jerk, stupid, a newb, etc." After staring at my server connect screen for a while in shear disbelief, I realized, why bother, it's just a game. If my actions pissed them off to the point that they kicked me, then I did my duty in teaching people that it is just a game and not to be taken seriously.

So how about it Vestril, truce?

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The reason i have a code (NSC):

To make the game more fun for myself and those who use it. I DO NOT TRY TO FORCE MY CODE ON OTHERS (except in my own server). So Dracofyre in some cases (SC, ASC) i can see your point, but not ALL codes are bad.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Morte this is a raven game so the same things should work for kicking etc. i think am not sure

/rconpassword anythingyoulike it doesnt matter as long as you put in a couple of letters you will have rcon control

/rcon kick - Kicks unwanted players


there are others but then you have to ask for the status and kick player (nr 001) or something

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Something that makes the gameplay a little more fun is the ability to download and use skins. You need to get a collection going and be sure to turn OFF the Pure Server setting on your server. That aspect alone will make your server more enticing to me and, I expect, a lot of other users who are frustrated because they can't find anywhere to use their skins.


For the most part, I already follow your code, as it is basically common courtesy. I'm more interested in having a "clan" to belong to, then get some Team FFA battles going between us and the other clans.


I will check out your server, and perhaps, join your clan.


Renegade :vadar:


P.S. I love the arguments that always ensue when people start creating rules that don't exist in these type of games. That's one of the things that really made the team games fun in Mech Warrior 4. :holosid:

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How about the JWLSSUTAOAAF code?


Jedi Who Like Shoving Sabers Up The Asses Of All Arse Fighters Code

1) You are only allowed to attack ass fighters and other spammers.

2) All other jedi pass in peace with saber off.

3) You may kill someone out of self defence who attacks you.


He he, kinda like the Lamer Police!

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sorry the server has been down for a few weeks (its been up now and then). It may keep going up and down alot for a while because my computer is having some troubles with virus's. I may have to format my hard drives but i should get it fixed up soon.




Another thing, the server is now called Mos Espa Arena

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