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Doesnt anyone like the patch?


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Well, after more playing I don't think a worse patch could have been implimented.


Dark force spammers are prevalent in all saber/force-only FFA's. The only no force/saber-only FFA I played in was full of people spamming backstab. This move seems to be alot more powerful then prior to patch (or alot more used)- it seems rather like the DFA move that people have been bitching about like crazy. That is, it can take a 100 health, 100 shield jedi to zilch in one hit. At least with DFA you could see it coming and move outta the way. I tried to test the blockability of backstab, twice I stood imobile with saber pointed at one of the people who kept using the move over and over again and both times it went through and killed me, once at 115 health and 25 shield and once at 100 health, 100 shield. I know, testing it twice may not be enough but seems unblockable to me based on those two occasions. I tried to block both red and yellow stance users, the damage I recieved from the first backstab was def from a yellow stance user, the second might have been a red stance user which would explain the mucho damage to a full shield and health jedi, I believe that red stance backstab can hit three times if in close proximity.


Someone mentioned that they thought conlision detection got better post-patch. Doesn't seem that way to me as my saber went through targets as usual. Strong saber has definetly recieved a nerf in damage which boggles my mind since the speed has been decreased on it.


As for changing saber stances mid-combat, I do that often in duels but in FFA I like to stick with one stance and get in the zone.

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