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A lot of secret moves!!!


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Move: Potency, Directions


Wall-walk flip slash: medium, wall walk then flip out of it and slash


Double backflip spin: medium, do two backflips and a spin move



Elbow drop slash: small, walk sideways then stop holding then strafe button and quickly press the jump button and start slashing


I know these three are all obvious, but the point I am trying to make is to be creative. You can invent almost any move you want by simply combining wall walks and flips and other misc. moves with regular slashes.


For those of you who dont know how to do some of this stuff:


Wall-walk: Go foward and strafe into a wall at the same time and then press and hold the jump button. Tap the jump button to flip out of it.


May the force....never mind.


Backflip: Back+Jump. Tie together for flip flops.




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