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Guest Neumi

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Guest Neumi

did you see the HUD they use in the new shots?

I don't like it THAT much.


I don't want to go for color i I want to know, howmuch energy I've left. I want a short look at a number (like in JK) and I wan'T allways to see, how many shot's I've left.


I want a black background for the numbers, notbig numbers placed somewhere on the screen without a background.

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Guest Kurgan

One thing I noticed about Daily Radar's videos.. it appears the guy who was playing when they recorded was using god-mode, because Obi takes numerous direct hits from lightsabers, but registers no damage.


The HUD I do not think is completed yet. Notice in various shots it looks differenet. Anyhow, the damage ratio (and game balance) for the weapons isn't complete either. We'll just have to wait and see.


The LEC guys I talked to assured me that they would go for what is fun first, realistic (as far as "realistic" goes in the fictional SW universe) second.







[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 18, 2000).]

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