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Has 1.03 nerfed the dark side?


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I'll be honest. I haven't played the dark side much since 1.03. I just can't find a tactic that beats absorb/heal.


Sure you have lightning :p bwahahhaha....


and drain returns you back some health but absorb works so much better especially on maps where people will push/pull you off the ledges.


There is grip but absorb makes it totally useless.


Dark rage is nice but I only use it if I have bacta around.


I want to be an all-around versatile player but the dark side seems to be weaker.


What do you all think???

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my old set up was this

saber maxed

grip maxed

drain maxed

heavy stance

now i use

lighting max (for finishing duels)

pull max

push max(for tripping and tossing)

drain max or near max depending on force settings as a deperation attack

heavy stance thou i am still mastering the new dfa and kick

if they absorb i rush them with a heavy combo or dfa

grip is still workable if you have the points to spare but where them down with lighting till they absorb then rush if they survive that grip as absorb runs off

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I still use the same dark side settings as I did before. I like grip, but I always try to use it quickly. Keep in mind that there were absorbers *before* 1.03. There's just more of them now.


Overall I don't mind the changes that were made. They got rid of most of the quick/lazy kill moves, which is fine by me. Of course, they created a new one with the backstab, but hopefully they'll correct that in the next patch. I saw one lazy dude jump into crowds over and over and medium backstab everyone within swinging distance. He racked up something crazy like 80 kills. :eyeraise:


In the meantime I'll just hunt people running around backwards and saber-throw/lightning them. Perhaps even a little grip and throw if the don't glow blue. :thumbsup:


P.S. I apologize for the smilies, but I just found them and had to put this guy in there: :monkey4:

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They got rid of most of the quick/lazy kill moves, which is fine by me. Of course, they created a new one with the backstab


This move existed in the retail version of Jedi Outcast; it was just not as widely used. The strong version is similar or identical to the 1.02 type, and I used it to spice things up on occasion. Now it is spammed relentlessly.


However, Light stance backstab is now far more powerful (usually a one hit kill) and Yellow stance backsweep has been augmented in this patch.


In 1.02, on occasion I would show off a bit and use the Light backstab as a finisher move. It was quite difficult to pull off against a proficient opponent--25 to 35ish damage. But oh how satisfying when it did land for the killing blow. :D

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