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GTKRadiant brush problem.


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I just started using GTKRadiant , i am unable to Freescale in the Y Scale ... X and Z scale fine but Y just refuses to move atall...!!

I am creating a simple box which i then want to scale (the box is flat) works fine in Radjk2 but not in GTKRad.!!!


I must be missing something obvious but can't for the life of me work it out, i have tried dragging in all x,y and z windows no luck.



Any help would be much app.. :(



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In my experience, I've found side stretching to work better than y-scaling. Maybe I'm just stuck in my ways. To stretch a particular side of a brush, switch to an XYZ view where the particular face of brush looks like a 2D line. Now the key to getting it to stretch (as opposed to dragging the whole shebang) is which side of the line you click on.


If you click OUTSIDE the brush in the vicinity of your line, you will activate side stretch, just hold the mouse button down and move the mouse up or down and it expand or contract in that dimension.


If you click INSIDE the brush you'll activate the dragging function and whereever you move the mouse you'll now drag the whole brush.


Hope this helps, for your particular case you'll want to switch the window to either yz or xy to stretch the y side.


Hmm...well after re-reading your post, you might already know this, but it's just not working....in which case I got no clue why it would work in JOrad and not GTK.



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