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My Request (for the Ask the Fans at obiwankenobi.net)


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I trust that the solo adventure will be a great game. It seems as though

they have added great control abilities towards making your character move

like a trained Jedi. Great! That said...

Multiplayer is where I would like to see some more innovation. I'm willing to wait longer for the game if they would just add in a lot of multiplayer characters. I'm not talking about Red Kyle, Blue Kyle, a pilot,

etc... I'm talking about the entire Jedi Council. It would be great to have multiplayer characters that aren't all of the same physical structure.

Yareal Poof (of the jedi council) has a tremendously long neck, but it could

be done. Yoda! Please! (Yaddle too) Any creature you can think of that has

different dimensions ,within reason, would be great, but I definitely would

not release this game without several Jedi Knights in it. Think about it, they've added these great Jedi movement abilities, but your choices may be limited to Kenobi, Qui-Gon, Maul, and other unknown Sith. R2 D2 and other such droids would be nice, and I'll explain why.

Cooperative Multiplay! I'm sure this isn't in their plans, but I sure wish it was... or that it would be. How fun would running down the corridors of Theed Palace with your online buddies along side you, slashing and cleaving droids... I'm getting too excited...any way, perhaps the Protecting the Queen/Viceroy will be fun enough. Hope so, and one last thing. Sneaking a few Episode 4-6 characters wouldn't be a tragedy, in fact, leaving them out of a great new engine driven game may be a real shame.

Regardless, many interesting and unique multiplay characters is my biggest request.



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Guest Neumi

I heard there WILL be more different characters, also Non-Jedi. but I don't think the complete Jedi Council will be in the game.


coop would be cool, right. but I don't think it will be implemented.


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Guest Kurgan

You ought to direct this post to Jeff (if you haven't already) in an email. ; )


Originally posted by nomad:


Multiplayer is where I would like to see some more innovation. I'm willing to wait longer for the game if they would just add in a lot of multiplayer characters. I'm not talking about Red Kyle, Blue Kyle, a pilot,

etc... I'm talking about the entire Jedi Council. It would be great to have multiplayer characters that aren't all of the same physical structure.


I agree, I'm sure they'll have a great big collection of skins, and probably player classes too. While I want to see characters in different outfits, you probably won't see every possible character you'd like to (inevitably, somebody's favorite character always gets left out). For this reason, we'll probably see people making skins for the game (which won't be hard).


As to the models, yes, I hope they use alot of different models for players. Obi-Wan will have his pony-tail, Darth Maul his horns, the droids: their own intricate shapes, etc. This is important too, because we probably won't see alot of new models (except from those lucky ones who have 3DS Max and understand it) for a long time.


Yareal Poof (of the jedi council) has a tremendously long neck, but it could

be done. Yoda! Please! (Yaddle too) Any creature you can think of that has

different dimensions ,within reason, would be great, but I definitely would

not release this game without several Jedi Knights in it.

I agree. I felt the same way when UT came out, I want more aliens! More monsters and robots! Not necessarily an eyeball with legs (although that's pretty cute), but hey, some variety. And a Yoda model is I think a definate thing we fans want to see!


Think about it, they've added these great Jedi movement abilities, but your choices may be limited to Kenobi, Qui-Gon, Maul, and other unknown Sith.


Maybe, and maybe not. We'll have to see. Again, if they do limit it, we can just make our own.


R2 D2 and other such droids would be nice, and I'll explain why.


I think for game balance purposes, you'll probably only see the more powerful droids, unless they use the droids just as "skins" for the other classes. I mean Destroyers were powerful, but Battle Droids? Wimpy! Still, the option to use a droid model would be pretty cool (with the appropriate sounds of course), Roger, roger!


Cooperative Multiplay! I'm sure this isn't in their plans, but I sure wish it was... or that it would be.


If you mean "Doom Style" coop, that is, you and a buddy running through a single player level killing bad guys together, I don't know. They didn't say one way or the other, and I didn't ask that specifically. I think when they talk about coop, they are thinking mainly of teamplay type games like CTF and hostage rescue, not necessarily "2 players in Single player." But we can hope... or we could mess around with some scripting and make it happen ourselves (the longer, more complicated route).


How fun would running down the corridors of Theed Palace with your online buddies along side you, slashing and cleaving droids...


It might get pretty boring once you'd all memorized and beaten the level a hundred times, but it would be fun to try it out with some friends I suppose. Sure, why not? ; )



Sneaking a few Episode 4-6 characters wouldn't be a tragedy, in fact, leaving them out of a great new engine driven game may be a real shame.

I agree, and it wouldn't be the first time LEC had done it. ; ) Variety is cool.


Max the rabbit was in JK, and Luke and Vader were in MotS. The Naboo Fighter was in Rogue Squadron, and they have Episode I and Episode IV-VI vehicles together in Demolition. Forget continuity, this is fun stuff! ; )


Regardless, many interesting and unique multiplay characters is my biggest request.



Well said, and I totally agree. I'm looking forward to the Multiplayer aspect of Obi-Wan more than anything. I hope they do a good job!




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 22, 2000).]

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