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Making a Jedi Knight II Star Wars Movie


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I had the idea to try and make a Star Wars movie on Jedi Knight II. Assuming it's possible to Record, each character would be that character's model (Luke, Vader, Kyle Katarn, etc) and have his name.


I'm not sure how it would work, and I'm looking for people who:


A: Want to be in the movie

B: Want to be the camera man (Spectator who records)

C: Wants to write the storyline


If you want to be in the movie, please post.

If you think it's a stupid idea, tell me.

If you think it's a good idea and/or want to suggest a storyline, please post.

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Well we can't film over a period of a week or anything, it's the ingame recording system. It goes until you quit, or tell it to stop.


So if we do it it's going to require a lotttttttttttttt of planning.


Here's some characters I have in mind:




Kyle Katarn

Princess Leia (Mon Mothma skin?)

Old Obi-Wan





I'm planning on being a storyline writer. As for being an actor, I'm not sure yet.


What we really need are people to record it. Be spectators and fly around with record going, watching the "actors".

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Im curious if there is a way to splice the pieces of action together..


Why not try and do a reenactment of the final sabre fight in episode 1 for starters? all the pieces of the puzzle are there.. One would just need to recreate the sequence.

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If your interested in doing any of the parts


(Acting, Recording, Writing Storyline, or Writing the dialogue)


Email me:








I would suggest contacting me by E-Mail.


Also, about splicing the recorded files... That would be nice. We will have to switch maps every now and again, and it would be nice if it could just fade to black, and fade in on the new map. But, of course, we'd need some1 who can do that. Otherwise, each map will have to be it's own "scene", thus requiring the viewer to start playing a new recorded demo file, which wouldn't be too terribly bad.


(NOTE: This is only if your serious about helping out. Also, this is FIRST COME FIRST SERVE, the first person to request a part, gets it. Unless they really suck!)



I made a small website for the movie.. I'll make it better tomorrow:



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We COULD do that. There would be a lot of editing in the script.cfg I think it was called? I edited it before to change the lines of the players.


We would also have to record the sounds of the players. I don't know about you, but I can't get Mark Hamill to come over and record some sounds :)


And yes we could use the voices that came with the game... But the conversation wouldnt sound right.

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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

I'm trying to think how it would be possible to put that into Multiplayer but I don't think it would work.


No need, the demos could just be converted to AVIs and edit everything in Premiere - or whatever is available -, I used to have an application that lets you record all sounds that are initiated within an application so you can play a demo recording the sound then play the demo again and export to bitmaps. Open your video editing utility of choice and put everything together. Add any effects, subtitles, whatever. Even have players with mics record their lines. Would probably be bigger than any demos but it could be cool ;)

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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

Also, about splicing the recorded files... That would be nice. We will have to switch maps every now and again, and it would be nice if it could just fade to black, and fade in on the new map. But, of course, we'd need some1 who can do that. Otherwise, each map will have to be it's own "scene", thus requiring the viewer to start playing a new recorded demo file, which wouldn't be too terribly bad.


...or, you could make a custom map that had all the different environments lumped into one, then you can jump around to different "locations" w/out having to load a new map


if you wanna compile everything as an AVI and edit it like that... an advantage to that is that you're not just limited to working inside the JK2 engine, you can add other prerendered elements, as their own scenes or even compositied into the 'footage' taken out of JK2.


and as a 3d modeler/animator, i have some experience in that area... ;)

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