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Lame ass 999 timeout bug


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ok, so you're on a duel server. force, no force, whatever. The duel ends and the next person in line steps up, but hes frozen in posistion and his ping reads 999 . i'm not quite sure if its a server command that puts players into spectator mode automatically when they aren't responding or what, but when someone is timing out, or say their comp freezes and theres nothing they can do except turn the power off, they remain on the server until their connection finally timeouts. In the meantime, they keep getting put into spectator mode and the next person steps up, only to be put at the end of the line. But whats even worse, is when 3 people are on the server. It just turns into a cycle of Player1 vs Player999, player999 goes spectator , player2 steps up, then the round ends. Player2 then goes spectator and its player1 vs player999 all over again. its things like this that need to be fixed. Not adding saber throw to no force, was that a fix? no. thats just a bad call on raven's part.

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