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A new multiplayer mode.


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I have what I think is a good idea for a new multiplayer mode. FFA with one dual edge light saber that anyone can grab and use. So its sortof like the Jedi Master mode except one person has a dual edge light saber while everyone else has normal light sabers. If you kill the person with the special light saber then you get it. If you have the saber and you fall off a cliff like I'm sure many novice jedi do, then it respawns in the center.


There could also be a team FFA mode except with two dual edged light sabers, but still anyone can have them. So if one team had both of them they would get an advantage.


I was going to make a little mod that added this to the game and fixed back stabing, but I can't seem to find any sort of sdk. So if someone could direct me to where I can find an sdk I could probably have this stuff coded in a jippy.


And if anyone from raven software wants to add this to the next version of the game, feel free to use my ideas :)

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