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People looking for tutorials....


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Well since every other thread on this forum is people asking for help and tutorials, I figured that everyone should club togther with the things they have found out on ANY editing aspect.


To this end I have put together my total knowledge (which isn't very much admittedly) into a web page at http://www.imperial-center.co.uk/jk2.htm which I would like people to look at for me.


I hope that people will send me tutorials or any information about editing that they have come up with. Eventually I hope to get a) it hosted on jediknightii.net and b) it to be dynamic ie, you click on a topic question and it will display lots of bits for your answer.


Tell me what you all think. Personally I would like to be able to say hey, lets make a mod, and people to be able to say, yes, i KNOW how to do that!

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C'mon guys some of you must know SOMETHING - you're all asking for help on complicated subjects, how can you not know basic stuff?!

Please, put something back into the community, write a tutorial on what you DO know and maybe someone will write one on what you want.

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