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A few random questions..

IRON TrapJaw

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Okay all, I'm going to attempt as few stupid questions as possible, but for some reason they seem to attach themselves to me as if I am magnetic....


I've got my skinning down pretty well and have been constantly working on new skins, but there are a few things I'd like to add to future ones.


Bot support- Is there a decent tutorial on doing this? I know it seems everybody has bot support now and I'd like to add it to the current skin I'm working on. You don't have to tell me how to do it right here, I'm just wondering if there is a good link I can follow so I can learn on my own.


Custom taunts- Has it been done yet, is this something that involves files besides what I'd be able to send out in a skin? If it CAN be done, once again, any links?


And also, are there any modelers out there right now who are lettings skinners work on models? I'd love to see what I could do with some "skinless" models but haven't really heard of any floating around out there.


Thanks to anyone who figures out that this isn't a "how does You SKIN?" topic and tries to help..:atat:

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