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MP Music

Dark Lord Sith

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goto the top and read the FAQ and the resouce thread. All your questions will be answered young padawan mapmakier... as for your room...that would be like a selective cheat and you cant do it so forget about it.

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No, actually I think you could, but it would take some work... you'd need to add some scripts that duplicated enemies that are already in the game but giving them 0 damage on their weapons.


(i.e. taking NPC_Stormtrooper, copying him completely over into NPC_Stormtrooper_NODAMAGE and editing the damage his weapon does.)


That would be more of a scripting thing, though, so I'm not too sure on the specifics of it (I don't script much).

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To get music to play on your map first open your map, make sure your not selecting anything, then press "n". a window should pop up. scroll down to the bottom and click on woldspawn, then, input in your key as "music" and in value, input the directory of the music you wana play in the assets0 folder.








once you have this in, press enter, select the main screen and press "n" and thats it.


this took me a while to figure out.



Hope this helps



P.S. if your directory dosn't work, try mine.

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