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ANY cheats for PS?

Guest Jedi_4

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Guest Jedi_4

Ok im needin help on TPH , but i cant find any cheats FOR PLAYSTATION! What?! Do they not exist of something?! Help pweese



"I dont know..fly casual!"

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Guest Darth_Simpson



What are you talking about?



Hunger leads to donuts...



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Guest Jedi4

Ok i was talkin bout how if there is any cheats for Playstation(for The Phantom Menace)...i keep lookin for some but i'll i can find are PC cheats....*sigh*...

But thats OK no biggie- heehee- i beat it. 'corse it took meh like a long time. Ok me goin now BYE



Its not my fault!

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Guest Kurgan

They certainly exist.. did you try lucasarts.com ?


If I knew them, I'd tell you, but I know they exist. You can switch characters and stuff like that.


Also try the Jediknight.net main page. Look around, and be patient, you'll find them if you look hard enough.


I think people have just gotten tired of hearing folks beg for cheat codes over and over again. Especially when they've stopped playing the game.



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Guest Jedi-Qui-Gon

<font color=green6>I'm pretty sure they're aren't any for PSX. There are only things like having your lightsaber under water and stuff....




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Guest Kurgan

Whoops, I thought he meant the PC. Then I don't know. I know the PC version had cheats alright. Sorry!



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Guest 84Elan

There are cheats for the PS TPM I have used them it is a debuging cheat which allows you to be invinsable and so on you can find it on the preivous listed site or IGNPS.

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