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A better question: WHY did they change ANYTHING?


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Originally posted by Spider AL

Do you have actual numbers to back this up with, or is it just an assumption? I think it may just be an assumption.


Of course that's an assumption, that's why I said "it seems to me".


Numbers aside, the anti-1.03 camp deffently has the more harsh people, I know that some poeple got nasty about how 1.02 played, but no where near what has been said in the last few weeks.

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Of course that's an assumption,


Aha! you admit it. Really I must say that all these unsubstantiated and opinion-based statements you keep coming out with are entirely off-putting. Substantiate!


Numbers aside, the anti-1.03 camp deffently has the more harsh people


Wha... how can you say "numbers aside" and then insist that anti-1.03 has "more harsh people?"


I've seen about ten vocal anti-1.03ers who have insulted raven and other people... I saw a similar, if not greater number of people accusing everyone else of being "cheap," "evil," "whores," or other expletives before the patch... because they were happy with 1.02 and said so. The "whining" group back then were mostly NF sabreists who wanted to play NF sabres, even on FF Guns and sabres servers. They're still around, and they're slowly learning that gunners and force users will STILL beat them, because the sabres are actually weaker now against a gunner with absorb as they do less damage, and that they're prone to pull/backswingers. Give it a week and I predict they'll start going on about the "evil cheap force using gunwhores" once again. THEN, we can count them. :)

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Originally posted by Spider AL

Aha! you admit it. Really I must say that all these unsubstantiated and opinion-based statements you keep coming out with are entirely off-putting. Substantiate!


I'm sorry you can't understand what I'm saying, but I thought it was rather clear that my statement was a matter of opinion.


Wha... how can you say "numbers aside" and then insist that anti-1.03 has "more harsh people?"


That was a poorly worded statement on my part. I ment that the people doing the flaming, are more harsh in what they say, not that there's more of them. And before you say it, that's not really just a mater of opinion. I don't remember Anyone wishing the people at Raven would die, or developing scripts to crash the JK2 servers.

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I'm sorry you can't understand what I'm saying


That's okay, you can work on your technique. :p


ment that the people doing the flaming, are more harsh in what they say, not that there's more of them.


Ah that's a matter of op-


And before you say it, that's not really just a mater of opinion. I don't remember Anyone wishing the people at Raven would die, or developing scripts to crash the JK2 servers.


Ah. Well, I remember people threatening to kill me several times for shooting them. Also threatening bodily harm to other gunners on guns servers. On here, we were accused of being morons, denigrated, insulted... As for wanting Raven to... die, lol, why would they? Raven hadn't taken anything away from them. Now I'm not saying Raven have "stolen" anything, but I can understand some more impressionable and violent youths feeling that way. No, I certainly think that the pro-1.03 lobby has its share of half-witted malevolent scum. If positions were reversed, I'm purdy sure they'd be saying the same things as the less intelligent anti-1.03 protesters are, because silly people are silly people, regardless of their views. :)

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