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uvmapping questions


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hi, im uvmapping, its comming along pretty well.


what im wondering is, once ive uvmapped something, say the head, what do i do with it? it gives the option to save it as a .uvw, but what do i do with that??


also, is it possible to add 2 uvmaps together? say i did one part of the head separately, how do i put them together?


also any tutorials would help.

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no just apply uvw...use "texporter" (plugin), to create a bitmap with your uvw,then draw your map and adjust it with 3dsmax...bla bla...after a longggg work...you ll export in xsi files..

yes you can build a uvw for each part..but if you do that, you use a map for nothing, because it's a mirror..so make a uvw for the part left of your head and you ll use the same map to the other part..and to gain time, build uvw copy your mesh and use modifier "mirror"..to invert your mesh with uvw and get a complet head


you use 3dsmax?no?


i m sorry for my plain english i'm french

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