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My thoughts for 1.04


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I wrote this as a response but i think it should be a thread :)


These are wiggles thoughts on 1.04 and what he would like to see to try and balance out all the game styles of jk2.




First of Dfa Was Far from un stopable.


Infact i got killed more times DFAing Intelligent players then I did using a straight up broad swing.


There is a moment in 1.02 where dfa leaves the guy totaly open.


he can be pulled. Hit, kicked.




Absorb is way to pwrfull


Invis absorb so over imbalances the game its not even funny.


Then to give the game an almost impenetrable defense.


Fast action chaotic games like saber/force only ctf goes right out the drain.


If you took backstab out. A player with absorb rolling around the map would never die.


The only way is to


A: get hella lucky with a pull and hope u kill him in one shot.

B: get hella lucky with a dfa and hope it dont get blocked

C: Get hella lucky with normal hit.

d: crowd him into a corner with all your buddies and turn around and spam backstab.



Seriously this 1.03 patch has slowed the tempo down of ctf games to a boring level. You can take so many chances now and not get burned its rediculas.


Do i like some things about 1.03?


Ya the ping pong from saber hits is gone.. No more baseball home runs from getting tapped by a saber.


The extra offensive moves are sweet.


To much saber collission.


Come on guys this isnt rl. we cant have everything perfect .


This is the internet, with thousands of variables we cant even see going on, not to mention various lag components.


most of the well timed shots i have in 1.03 glance harmlessly off.


I think Light/med/heavy should be 70/80/100


Light gets blocked a bit more then med


Med gets blocked a bit less then light and has a slight chance of stunning the aponent.


heavy Often stuns the oponent and can destroy the enemie in a big hit.


These weapons are weak now.


Im sorry but if a saber hit me. Ied be running like a mad man for the nearest bacta tank.


I think saber dmg should be huge. Being able to stun someone with a heavy hit should last long enough to get your combo off atleast.



Backing up should be slowed down considerably


Why game makers have not figured this out or balanced this Eons ago ill never figure out


Have you ever tried to walk backwards at the same speed of walking forwards? its un confertable. Ya cant see anything.



Rolling should take Force pwr.


Rolling should be used as Set ups. And for a quick get away .


Not roll around the map.


Absorb combined with roll ='s Inpenetrable defense.. only the highest speed can keep up with a good roller.



Absorb needs to either


a: Cost 2 times as much

B; when its on the mana cost should be much much greater.

c: should be taken off invis.


There are no down sides to absorb.


Easy recharge time.

Invis so players mistakenly give you mana.

Slow, and low pulse cost.


I meen come on cant anyone get a clue about that?


Heal/drain needs to be un nerfed


and whatever they did to Grip please change it back to normal.


Grip/drain is as valid as Absorb/forcepull


or absorb/heal


Or absorb/protect

or absorb/push


or absorb/invis

or absorb /speed


I hate it when players bitch to other players about how lame grip tactics are.


its a surprise attack Your supposed to die.


People cant stand Dieing/losing


SO they gotta complain tell they get there way.


This game for Ctf saber/force players has been slowed down so much it pains me to even log on.


1.02 is fast action, and paced.. NO ROOM FOR ERROR


You eff up? u pay the price.


I was chuckling to myself i got caught and some guy pulled me down and 30 guys hit me. Of course i died.


HAd that been 1.03?


I woulda lived, blocked them all, turned on absorb, used all the mana they gave me to heal myself back to full life, clicked the invis button and grabbed a buncha armor, ran to the flag grabbed it and run back to my base and turn it in.


You think 1.03 is tuff?


Go back and play 1.02. There was and never will be room for error.


I hope 1.04 is better balanced for us ctf saber/force only players.. I think ive come up with some viable solutions.


Sabers need to hit for more damage.. ANd they need to make the enemy pay. I dont like to play with my oponent. I like to kill or Die.. No room for mess ups.


Absorb needs to be nerfed (this comming from someone who has used absorb to live more often then not) it is a major imbalance to the game in ctf/saber/force only games.


Saber blocking and connection needs to be toned down alot.


Jump needs to be an option for those of us who tire of hitting jump twice.


My personal preference is to have dfa returned to its former way.


But the hit box and residual hit after the move is over, lessoned.




but that nasty hit u get if you time it wrong.


and back stab should be like the light backstab.


one oponent is effected.


I DO however think that backstab should be a Killer.


Do not nerf the backstab damage


Just take away the twirl. So that you have one hit, on one guy at one time. The guy your taking out.


This will leave the backstabber Open for attack. and people around him can not worry about getting hit from random sabers.


Dfa/backstab/themed, and light stance specials Should have no defense.


People should be able to easy hit them when they are doing those moves.


Walking backwards needs to be seriously Slowed down


rolling needs to take mana. Just like Jump.


Wether you add this to neutral pwrs or just give it a standard one bar of mana usage for all people


drain needs to take less of a mana hit.


Lighting needs to do more damage


Grip needs to be returned to its original thing( i think alot of grippers complained about that)


there are some of my ideas for 1.04



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